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Whova App

We will use an online platform called Whova for our event. The app is available to delegates who have registered and will be attending the SVRI Forum 2022 in Cancun.

You can download the Whova app to access the event to:

*View the event agenda and plan your personal schedule

*Find who else is attending this event and reach out to people ahead of time.

*Plan some social activities such as a morning run, coffee hours, or meet-ups with your fellow attendees.

*See what we have planned for self care, collective care and wellbeing.

*Receive updates such as last minute session changes from the organizers.

Please use the email you registered with for SVRI Forum 2022 to sign up on Whova mobile apps or web portal. Make sure you choose a strong password. Download the app here. If you aren’t directly added to the event and are asked for an event invitation code when accessing the event, please write to us at

Get our official event app,

Get the most out of the app and have a more productive experience!


NAVIGATE the event agenda and logistics, even without Wi-Fi or data. Access useful information like ridesharing and local attractions through the Community Board


NETWORK effectively. Plan whom to meet by exploring attendee profiles and sending out messages


PARTICIPATE in event activities through session likes, comments, ratings, live polling, tweeting, and more

For Blackberry or Windows Phone,Click here
For feature details, visit Whova

You can also view the Whova App online here.

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