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Virtual Launch Series 2021 – 2022


The SVRI, Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias – UNAM, and Inmujeres hosted a series of webinars to launch the long-awaited SVRI Forum 2022, 19-23 September 2022, Cancun, Mexico.

SVRI Forum 2022 Virtual Launch #1


Lanzamiento: Foro SVRI 2022

El Foro SVRI es la conferencia mundial clave -organizada a partir de resúmenes de presentaciones aprobados-, para la investigación y la práctica sobre la violencia contra las mujeres, la violencia contra las/os niñas/os y otras formas de violencia motivadas por la desigualdad de género. La conferencia reúne a investigadoras/es, patrocinadoras/es, profesionistas, legisladoras/es, activistas y sobrevivientes cada dos o tres años para conectarse, aprender y compartir. El foro brinda la oportunidad de aprender qué hay de nuevo, discutir qué está funcionando y qué no, e identificar prioridades futuras para el campo. Proporciona múltiples espacios y oportunidades para que las/os delegadas/ os fortalezcan las asociaciones existentes, creen otras nuevas y se diviertan.

Foro SVRI 2022 presentacion


SVRI Forum 2022 Virtual Launch #2


Launch of the SVRI Forum 2022 in the EAP and Africa time zones

The SVRI Forum is the key global, abstract-driven conference for research and practice on violence against women, violence against children, and other forms of violence driven by gender inequality. The conference brings researchers, funders, practitioners, policymakers, activists, and survivors together every two to three years to connect, learn and share. The forum provides an opportunity to learn what is new, discuss what is and what is not working, and to identify priorities for the field moving forward. It provides multiple spaces and opportunities for delegates to strengthen existing partnerships, build new ones and have some fun.

Launch presentation


SVRI Forum 2022 Virtual Launch #3


Launch of the SVRI Forum 2022 in the EST time zone

The SVRI Forum is the key global, abstract-driven conference for research and practice on violence against women, violence against children, and other forms of violence driven by gender inequality. The conference brings researchers, funders, practitioners, policymakers, activists, and survivors together every two to three years to connect, learn and share. The forum provides an opportunity to learn what is new, discuss what is and what is not working, and to identify priorities for the field moving forward. It provides multiple spaces and opportunities for delegates to strengthen existing partnerships, build new ones and have some fun.

Launch presentation

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