Conference programme
Wellbeing activities
Visit our Wellbeing page for more information on self and collective care activities that took place during Forum 2022
Participant-driven events
Monday, 19 September 2022
Monday, 19 September
09:00- 17:00
SVRI Forum 2022 workshops
Please see the SVRI Forum 2022 workshops here.
Monday, 19 September
19:30- 21:30
SVRI Forum 2022 Opening and Welcome
19:30 – 21:30
Opening and welcome
Venue: Grand Salón Del Prado
Chair: Claudia García-Moreno, World Health Organization
Silvia Damián López, Inmujeres introducing the Folkloric Ballet of the State Culture Secretariat
- Dr. Nadine Flora Gasman Zylbermann, President, Inmujeres
- Dr. Jorge Arturo Contreras Castillo, Secretary of Government of Quintana Roo
- Dr. Fernando Lozano Ascencio, Director, Regional Center for Multidisciplinary Research (CRIM-UNAM)
- Elizabeth Dartnall, Executive Director, Sexual Violence Research Initiative
Community-building activity – OK Team
Tuesday, 20 September 2022
Plenary I: Opening
09:00 – 10:30
Plenary I: Opening
Venue: Grand Salón Del Prado
Translation available: Spanish, French, English
Chair: Estefanía Vela Barba, Intersecta
Welcome: Claudia García-Moreno
Panel Discussion on VAW and research for activism and decision making
Guest speakers:
- Nadine Flora Gasman Zylbermann, Inmujeres (Mexico)
- Dr Chi-Chi Undie, Snr Associate, Population Council (Kenya)
- Hermelinda Tiburcio Cayetano, Human Rights Defender (Mexico)
Grounding session – breathing, presentation on care and wellbeing at SVRI Forum
Tuesday, 20 September
10:30 – 11:30
Coffee/tea break
Tuesday, 20 September
11:30 – 13:00
Parallel session I
11:30 – 13:00
1.1. Mexico: violence against women prevention and response
Venue: Salón Del Prado
Translation available: Spanish, French, English
Chair: Manuel Contreras-Urbina, World Bank Group
- Evolución de la ENDIREH como instrumento para captar las violencias en contra de las mujeres
Sonia Frias, Irene Casique - El estado de la violencia contra la mujer en México. Resultados de la ENDIREH 2021
Alejandra Ríos Cázares - Modelo integral de prevención primaria de violencias contra las mujeres
Anabel López Sánchez - Programa integral para prevenir, atender, sancionar y erradicar la violencia contra las mujeres (PIPASEVM 2021-2024)
Fabiola Alanís Sámano
11:30 – 13:00
1.2. Adaptation: VAW prevention programmes
Venue: Dalí-Goya
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Kalliopi Mingeirou, UN Women
- Lessons learned from adapting and pre-testing the Stepping Stones violence-prevention curriculum in Timor-Leste (if you would like to have more information on this presentation, please write to us for contact details of the presenter)
Elizabeth Adams, Helio Afranio S. Xavier, Dominique Maidment, Erin Stern - Adapting SGBV prevention programs: lessons learned adapting Transforming Masculinities in Democratic Republic of Congo
Anjalee Kohli, Sabine Nkusi, Khudejha Asghar, Uwezo Baghuma Lele, Courtney McLarnon-Silk, Prabu Deepan, Francesca Quirke - Formative research to support adaptation of the Indashyikirwa approach to the protracted crisis in Syria
Rama Alzher, Awet Woldegiorgis, Julienne Corboz, Veronica Ahlenback, Erin Stern - Comparative review insights on adaptation of Indashyikirwa in Rwanda
Angella Agado, Joya Banerjee, Amy O’Toole - Attempting feminist scale with SASA! Together in Mexico and Honduras
Ana María Sosa Ferrari, Sara Siebert
11:30 – 13:00
1.3. Violence against children
Venue: Murillo-Miró
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Helena Duch, Oak Foundation
- Multi-country associations between early marriage and intimate partner violence experience
Carolina Coll, Thiago Santos, Andrea Wendt, Amiya Bhatia, Aluisio Barros - Using results of violence against Children and Youth Surveys (VACS) to catalyze national efforts to end violence against children
Begoña Fernandez, Kathleen Cravero, Steve Whittaker, Samantha Ski
- An exploration of social norms that drive child, early and forced marriage in Nigeria
Chioma Oduenyi, Sebany Meroji, Samaila Yusuf, Carol Hooks, Laura Keevill, Nneka Chijioke-Dikeocha, Sylverius Obafemi, Bello Kabir, Amina Maru, Gertrude Odezugo, Myra Betron - Violence against children on the Balkans migration route – solutions through child-led advocacy and participative research
Bogdan Krasic - Save the Children’s gender transformative approaches to ending child, early and forced marriage in Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Nigeria: working through the social-ecological spectrum
Dashakti Reddy, Laura Melchiade, Amanda Azzali
11:30 – 13:00
1.4. Mental health interventions
Venue: Lanzarote 1, 2
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Annika Lysén, SIDA
- Resiliencia ante la violencia: adaptando una psicoterapia de baja intensidad
Erika Sofía Valtierra, Ana Cecilia Ortega, Juana Roblero Castro - Piloting an approach to clinical healing and reproductive justice (CHARJ)
Anne Eckman, Jayhsree Jani, Erin Callahan, Kimberly Felder - Impact of social enterprises on emotional well-being of South Sudanese refugee survivors of sexual and gender-based violence and torture in northern Uganda
Helen Liebling, Hazel Barrett, Pascal Niyonguru - VAWG, alcohol, and mental health: pooled analysis from low-middle income settings
Leane Ramsoomar, Andrew Gibbs, Rachel Jewkes - Online violence against women in the Arab States
Manal Benkirane
11:30 – 13:00
1.5. Femicide
Venue: Tenerife 1, 2, 3
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Nita Shala, Deputy Minister of Justice & National Coordinator against Domestic Violence, Republic of Kosovo
- Femicide perpetrators’ narratives on gender, violence and identity in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dabney Evans, Ellie Fahs, Martín Hernán Di Marco - Prevención de la violencia feminicida y el feminicidio en escenarios de criminalidad, Mexico
Martha Paola Fernández Lozano, Verónica Cruz Sanchez - Feminicidios en Latinoamérica: organizaciones de mujeres construyendo contra-datos
Eugenia D’Angelo - Interrelación entre la violencia sexual y la muerte de niñas y adolescentes en América Latina y el Caribe
Emanuela Borzacchiello, Milena Paramo, Alejandra Alzérreca - Decline in femicide in South Africa: evidence from three national femicide studies across 18 years
Naeemah Abrahams, Shibe Mhlongo, Bianca Dekel, Esnat Chirwa, Asiphe Ketelo, Carl Lombard, Shanaaz Mathews, Gerard Labuschagne, Lorna J Martin, Tirhani Manganyi, Tholsie Gounden, Thobeka Majola, Mpumelelo Mabhida, Tarique Varaiva, Leane Ramsoomar, Nwabisa Shai, Rachel Jewkes
11:30 – 13:00
1.6. Disabilities
Venue: Greco
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Munala Alice Indekhwa, Women Challenged to Challenge
- Disability and intimate partner violence: a cross-sectional study from Mwanza, Tanzania
Sarah Meyer, Neema Mosha, Tom Shakespeare, Hannah Kuper, Sheila Harvey, Saidi Kapiga, Gerry Mshana, Heidi Stockl - Disability and changes in disability as risk factors for IPV and IPV as a potential risk factor for increased disability
Kristin Dunkle, Esnat Chirwa, Andrew Gibbs, Jill Hanass-Hancock, Rachel Jewkes - Learnings from the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women’s funding window to address violence against women and girls with disabilities
Anna Alaszewski, Selina Palm, Elisabet le Roux
- Inequities in birth registration, violent discipline, and child labour by disability status: evidence from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey in 24 countries
Amiya Bhatia, Calum Davey, Tess Bright, Sara Rotenberg, Emily Eldred, Hannah Kuper, Karen Devries - Prevención y abordaje de la violencia sexual en personas con discapacidad desde un enfoque de determinantes sociales
Rocío Murad Rivera, Mariana Calderón, Victoria Vargas, Natalia Acevedo, Ximena Meneses, Juan Carlos Rivillas
11:30 – 13:00
1.7. GBV in conflict
Venue: Picasso
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: LynnMarie Sardinha, World Health Organization
- Impacts of a whole-family support program on violence against girls in emergencies
Andrea Koris, Ilana Seff, Julianne Deitch, Lindsay Stark, Charles Okoro, David Bitrus, Veronica Akika, Patrick Welsh, Allie Gillespie, Hannah Brumbaum, Hannah Kluender, Cassondra Puls - Integrating GBV prevention in sustainable livelihood and recovery programme in Iraq
Gulistan Ibadat, Janan Aljabiri, Zainab Hameed, Shilan Mohammed Haider, Jessica Zimerman - Addressing sexual and gender-based violence through integrated food security programming in the humanitarian context of South Sudan
Rebecca Isaak, Hailu Tolasa Badhane, Melani O’Leary, Alana Mascoll, Megan Cox Misawa - Operating at the “nexus”: lessons from Fiji’s Tropical Cyclone Yasa
Reijieli Mawa, Jennifer Poole, Selai Korovusere, Sonia Rastogi, Abigail Erikson, Maggie Aylmore - Preventing violence from teachers to students in Nyarugusu Refugee Camp
Camilla Fabbri, Katherine Rodrigues, Baptiste Leurent, Elizabeth Allen, Mary Qiu, Martin Zuakulu, Dennis Nombo, Michael Kaemingk, Alexandra De Filippo, Gerard Torrats Espinosa, Elizabeth Shayo, Vivien Barongo, Giulia Greco, Wietse Tol, Karen Devries
Tuesday, 20 September
13:00 – 14:30
Tuesday, 20 September
14:30 – 16:00
Parallel session II
14:30 – 16:00
2.1. VAC and adolescent prevention interventions
Venue: Salón Del Prado
Translation available: Spanish, French, English
Chair: Natsnet Ghebrebrhan, Raising Voices
- Ending sexual violence against children – using evidence for change
Lorraine Radford, Rocio Aznar Daban, Afrooz Kaviani Johnson - Arts-based mental health and parenting intervention for pregnant and parenting adolescents in South Africa
Nataly Woollett, Lele van Eck, Linda Mazibuko, Alexandra Khazin, Lauren Ross, Kerryn Irvin, Nicola Christofides, Suzanne Maman, Abigail Hatcher - Risk factors for sexual violence among 13–17-year-old girls in Uganda: findings from the National Violence Against Children Survey
Agatha Kafuko, Maria Ndibalekera, Clare Ahabwe Bangirana, Matthew Amollo, Kenneth Olido, Ronald Ssenyonga, Timothy Opobo - Strengthening adolescent relationship abuse response capacity among school-based health centers
Elizabeth Miller, Lisa James, Emily Baldi, Seleena Moore, Anna Marjavi, Sarah Scott
- Impact of SASA! Adaptations for adolescent girls and women with disabilities
Emanuela Paul, Sara Siebert, Jean Prosper Elie, Maureen Murphy, Angela Bourassa, Mary Ellsberg
14:30 – 16:00
2.2. Parenting, IPV and VAC
Venue: Dalí-Goya
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Shanaaz Mathews, Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town
- Can violence against children be reduced across a whole community?
Catherine Ward, Chandre Gould, Marilyn Lake, Diketso Mufamadi, Lisa Kleyn, Wilmi Dippenaar, Warren Parker - IPV and parent’s use of violent discipline in households in Senegal
Anjalee Kohli, Bryan Shaw, Jamie Greenberg, Mamadou Moustapha Bah, Christina Yantis, Linda Casey, Anna Kinzer - Addressing family violence through parenting programmes: considerations for father engagement from evaluation findings in Vietnam (if you would like to have more information on this presentation, please write to us for contact details of the presenter) (See the video by Ha Tran)
Ha Tran, Shelly Makleff, Thach Tran, Hau Nguyen, Jane Fisher - Impact of Ugandan parenting programme on gendered discourse about IPV
Godfrey Siu, Betty Okot, Carolyn Namutebi, Richard Sekiwunga, Jamie Lachman, and Danny Wight - Improving wellbeing and parenting practices among refugees in Uganda: effectiveness of the Journey of Life intervention
Lindsay Stark, Sabrina Hermosilla, Patrick Onyango Mangen, Flora Cohen, Melissa Meinhart, Gary Samuel Agaba, Grace Obalim, Rehema Kajungu, Justin Knox
14:30 – 16:00
2.3. Implementation – elements and approaches
Venue: Murillo-Miró
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Denise Stuckenbruck, UNICEF
- Men in villages champion the prevention of SGBV in Lao PDR
Victoria Dart, Sisouvanh Vorabouth, Mariam A. Khan, Sujata Tuladhar - UZIKWASA Couples Program: the transformative power of reflective approaches (if you would like to have more information on this presentation, please write to us for contact details of the presenter)
Novatus Urassa, Flora Madaha, Salvata Kalanga, Joseph Peniel, Mariam Ally, Mark Marchant, Saidi Kapiga, Sheila Harvey - Lessons from the participatory adaptation and evaluation of a positive parenting programme with and for street-connected mothers in Kenya
Kathleen Murphy, Lonnie Embleton, Jamie Lachman, Eucabeth Owino, Sheila Kirwa, Dominic Makori, Paula Braitstein - Primary prevention in Central Australian Aboriginal communities
Shirleen Campbell, Carmel Simpson, Chay Brown - Barriers and obstacles to adolescent girls’ access to primary health care services in Lebanon
Farah Hammoud, Catherine Poulton, Aline Germani, Randa Hamadeh
14:30 – 16:00
2.4. GBV prevention in humanitarian settings
Venue: Lanzarote 1, 2
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Diego Antoni, UNDP
- GBV and the Rohingya refugee crisis: practitioner reflections and lived experiences
Megan Denise Smith, Sabrina Mona, Lucky, Marie Sophie Sandberg Pettersson, Rawshan Zannat, Rumpa Dey - Impact of an abbreviated personal agency-based training with refugee women
Naira Kalra, Lameck Habumugisha, Anita Shankar - Challenges and opportunities in engaging community stakeholders to reduce GBV
Nisha Singh, Marina Mestres Segarra, Thomas Wilondja Ikemo, Ghislaine Maombi Ngalya, Chantal Kizungu, Moses Abure Dada, Guya Cons Frederick, Joseph Tukube, Fazal Karim, Frozan Marofi, Habiba Shuaibu, Annastacia Olembo, Stephanie Siddall, Eva Noble - “I never knew that my daughter has such a sense of humor!”: Exploring the impact of a family-focused, gender-transformative intervention on adolescent girls’ well-being in a humanitarian context (if you would like to have more information on this presentation, please write to us for contact details of the presenter)
Lindsay Stark, Julianne Deitch, Reine Ibala, Ilana Seff, Andrea Koris, Ahmad Marei
14:30 – 16:00
2.5. Role of policies
Venue: Tenerife 1,2,3
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Claudia García-Moreno, World Health Organization
- The America’s progress addressing VAW in health policies
Sophie Morse, Britta Baer - Participatory planning and paying to prevent GBV in Indonesia, Moldova and Peru
Erin Stern, Fatima Ghani Gonzalo, Alan Grieg, Jessica Zimerman, Viorelia Rusu, Vitalie Frecauteanu, Dasom Shin, Mixy Paredes, Siprianus Bate Soro, Diego Antoni, Karla Paula Ryes Allpoc - Examining the policy effectiveness of “Women’s Emergency Centres” in Peru
Renzo Calderon Anyosa, Jay Kaufman - Imperative to invest in eradicating VAWG using holistic intervention models such as the Spotlight Initiative
Akanksha Agarwal, Dania AlRashed AlHumaid, Shruthi Jayaram, Swetha Totapally
14:30 – 16:00
2.6. Violence against women: concepts, measures and ethics
Venue: Greco
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Nambusi Kyegombe, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- Conceptualization of sexual harassment and role of social norms
Joyce Wamoyi, Meghna Ranganathan, Samuel Mugunga, Heidi Stöckl - Feminist-grounded family functioning: incorporating gender and power dynamics into a measure of family functioning among men and women in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
Alexandra Blackwell, Khudejha Asghar, Jean de Dieu Hategekimana, Danielle Roth, Meghan O’Connor, Kathryn Falb - Mapping of survey instruments on psychological intimate partner violence
LynnMarie Sardinha, Claudia García-Moreno - Measuring social norms around violence against women and children in Bolivia
Taveeshi Prasad Gupta, Kristina Vlahovicova, Paola Montero, Mauricio Chumacero, Francisco Aguayo - Addressing ethical challenges in global research on health systems responses to violence against women to improve integrity and results
Beatriz Kalichman, Ana Flávia d’Oliveira, Yuri Nishijima Azeredo, Loraine J Bacchus, Natalia V Lewis
14:30 – 16:00
2.7. Dialogic panel: What is practice-based knowledge?
Time: 14:30 – 16:00
Venue: Picasso
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Emma Fulu, The Equality Institute
- Shruti Majumdar – UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women
- Tina Musaya – Social Development Direct
- Lori Michau – Raising Voices
- Verónica Cruz Sánchez – Las Libres
- ‘Ofa Guttenbeil-Likiliki – Tonga Women and Children Crisis Centre (Image slides)
Tuesday, 20 September
16:00 – 16:30
Coffee/tea break
Tuesday, 20 September
16:30 – 18:00
Parallel session III
16:30 – 18:00
3.1. Prevention and response programme evaluations
Venue: Salón Del Prado
Translation available: Spanish, French, English
Chair: Giovanna Lauro, Equimundo
- Preventing of violence against women and children using ParentChat intervention in six countries
Kufre Okop, Jamie Lachman, Rumaya Juhari, Galina Lesco, Rosanne Jocson, Katherine Wilson, Stephanie Eagling-Peche, Qing Han, Annathea Oppler, Marija Raleva, Ivo Kunovski, Yuanling Chen, Jenny Doubt, Francisco Caldero - Reducing community-wide IPV: lessons from gender-transformative program in informal settlements
Julie Pulerwitz, Christina Misunas, Stephanie Psaki, Brady Zieman, Lusanda Mahlasela, Mags Beksinska - Religious leaders can motivate men to cede power and reduce intimate partner violence
Christopher Boyer, Lori Heise, Jeannie Annan, Jackline Namubiru, Tvisha Nevatia, Jasper Cooper, Elizabeth Levy Paluck - GBV capacity-building through curriculum adaptation in Trinidad and Tobago
Oscar Noel Ocho, Gloria Ramdeen-Mootoo, Katija Khan, Karene Nathaniel-DeCaires, Deborah McFee, Arlene James-Euin, Lu-Ann Caesar- Greasley, Whitney Arneaud, Britta Baer, Caroline Allen - Sexual abuse in the context of domestic violence against women: a systematic review of promising intervention practices
Stéphanie Couture, Mylène Fernet, Martine Hébert, Catherine Flynn
16:30 – 18:00
3.2. Child sexual abuse (Mexico)
Venue: Dalí-Goya
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Laura Aragon, Pan American Development Foundation
- Violencia y victimización contra niñas, niños y adolescentes en México
Sonia Frías, Irene Casique - Lessons learned from the adaptation and pilot of ARCHES to Tijuana, Mexico (if you would like to have more information on this presentation, please write to us for contact details of the presenter)
Argentina Servin, Jasmine Uysal, Teresita Rocha-Jimenez, Gudelia Rangel, Alejandra Padilla, Jay Silverman - Uso de la inteligencia artificial para la prevención del abuso sexual infantil en México: “Pinta tu Raya ASI”
Leonor Rivera, Marina Séris Martínez, Juan Gabriel González Serna, Silvia Patricia Pérez Sabino, Aremis Villalobos Hernández - Violencia sexual y embarazo infantil en México: un problema de salud publica y derechos humanos
Maria Elena Collado Miranda - Veinticinco años de intervenciones mexicanas que atienden hombres que ejercen violencias contra sus parejas mujeres (if you would like to have more information on this presentation, please write to us for contact details of the presenter)
Xipatl Micaela Contreras Oropeza, María de los Ángeles Garduño Andrade
16:30 – 18:00
3.3. Women’s economic empowerment, microfinance and CASH+
Venue: Murillo-Miró
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Sohini Bhattacharya, Breakthrough
- Examining the effectiveness of a gender transformative approach in economic empowerment programs to reduce intimate partner violence
Maureen Murphy, Elizabeth Rojas, Sylvia Owino, Peg Bavin, Manuel Contreras Urbina - Violence against women and achieving SDG8: innovation to integrate VAW prevention into women’s economic empowerment in Lebanon
Sawsan Nourallah, Anik Gevers - Promoting women’s empowerment and maternal mental health through men’s engagement: testing of life skills building
Rozina Karmaliani, Tazeen Saeed Ali, Samral Idrees, Nasim Zahid Shah, Shireen Shehzad Bhamani, Hussain Maqbool Ahmed Khuwaja, Nargis Asad, Giulia Ferrari, Judith McFarlane - Cost-effectiveness of gender training: the MAISHA intervention for women in Tanzania
Giulia Ferrari, Tanya Abramsky, Guilhem Labadie, Giulia Greco, Saidi Kapiga, Shelley Lees, Sheila Harvey - Reducing VAW risk in Guatemala through gender transformative women’s economic empowerment programming
Melissa Wong, Douglas Mendoza, Kristina Vlahovicova, Clara Alemann, Nery Sosa, Mabel Bejarano, Salomon Morales
16:30 – 18:00
3.4. IPV/VAC intersections and co-occurrence
Venue: Lanzarote 1,2
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Alessandra Guedes, UNICEF
- Co-occurrence and shared risk factors of intimate partner violence against women and child maltreatment in a Brazilian birth cohort study
Romina Buffarini, Carolina VN Coll, Terrie Moffit, Joseph Murray - Integrating VAW and VAC into parenting programmes: lessons from a learning partnership in Kenya
Lina Digolo, Erin Stern, Beatrice Ogutu, Lori Heise - IPV and child maltreatment co-occurrence: a longitudinal study in Tanzania
Selina Hardt, Neema Mosha, Sheila Harvey, Gerry Mshana, Heidi Stöckl - Unpacking the intersections of VAC and VAW in South Africa
Shanaaz Mathews, Aislinn Delany, Lauren October, Kerryn Rehse - Exploring intersections between romantic jealousy, infidelity, and intimate partner violence in Rwanda and Uganda
Nambusi Kyegombe, Erin Stern, Ana Maria Buller
16:30 – 18:00
3.5. Violence in universities
Venue: Tenerife 1,2,3
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Jennifer Wagman, University of California
- Harassment policy in a Kyrgyz university
Elena Kim, Elena Molchanova, Elena Kosterina - Ntombi Vimbela! One year post-intervention outcomes from a sexual violence prevention intervention pilot feasibility study, in South African higher education institutions
Mercilene Machisa, Pinky Mahlangu, Esnat Chirwa, Nwediswa Nunze, Yandisa Sikweyiya, Rachel Jewkes, Elizabeth Dartnall
- Applying a Freirean framework to conceptualize a sexual assault resistance intervention
Anh Van Vo, Fortunate Shabalala, Sakhile Masuku, Rebecca Fielding Miller - A pilot-RCT testing the acceptability and feasibility of the Men with Conscience intervention at two university sites in South Africa
Tania de Villiers, Naeemah Abrahams
16:30 – 18:00
3.6. Migration and forced displacement
Venue: Greco
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Myra Betron, Jhpiego
- Desigualdades en salud de la población migrante y refugiada venezolana en Colombia
Sandra Marcela Sánchez Molano, Mariana Calderón, Rocío Murad Rivera, Danny Rivera Montenegro, Juan Carlos Rivillas, Johan Sebastián Ariza, Ángela Cifuentes, Julieth Medrano - The SEREDA Project: the continuum of SGBV in forced migration
Sandra Pertek, Jenny Phillimore, Cathy Vaughan - Silenced voices: girls in migration on the Balkan route
Anita Burgund Isakov, Violeta Markovic, Nevenka Zegarac - Violence against adult Venezuelan migrants: results from a multi-site survey in Colombia
Andrea Wirtz, Sarah Murray, Megan Stevenson, Jennifer Ortiz, Jhon Jairo López, Horacio Ruiseñor-Escudero, Sagarika Das, Kathleen Page, Paul Spiegel, José Rafael Guillén - The risk that travels with you: IPV and displacement – Colombia & Liberia
Jocelyn Kelly, Amalia Rubin, Uche Ekhator-Mobayode, Diana Jimena Arango
16:30 – 18:00
3.7. LGBTQI+
Venue: Picasso
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Paola Feregrino, Hispanics in Philanthropy
- Violence against refugee LBT women in Turkey and Lebanon
Henri Myrttinen, Pinar Erdem, Charbel Maydaa, Helena Berchtold - The effects of resistance strategies on rape completion and injury among transgender college students
Sarah Peitzmeier, Wesley King, Brieanne Beaujolais, Kieran Todd, Charlene Senn - Herramientas participativas para la acción comunitaria e inclusión de necesidades de mujeres lesbianas y bisexuales
Lorena Eutiquia Santos Zárate, Nadxiely Zharelly López Pérez - Sexual violence against transwomen refugees in urban Kenya
Sarah Chynoweth, Dale Buscher, Sarah Martin, Anthony Zwi, Katherine Gambir - Mental health & psychosocial needs of Myanmar’s LGBTQI community
Adib Asrori, Michael Patrick Linford McGrath, Sridevi Srinivasan, Eri Taniguchi
Wednesday, 21 September 2022
Wednesday, 21 September
09:00- 10:30
Plenary II: Interventions
09:00 – 10:30
Plenary II: Interventions
Venue: Salón Del Prado
Translation available: Spanish, French, English
Chair: Mary Ellsberg, Global Women’s Institute at George Washington University
- When words are not enough: co-creating an effective program for SGBV recovery in Nepal
Rachel Cohen, Jamuna Mahajan Shrestha - Impact of a family violence prevention trial in eastern DRC
Sarah Mosely, Kate Falb, Khudejha Asghar, Alexandra Blackwell, Simone Baseme, Martin Nyanguba, Danielle Roth, Jean de Dieu Hategekimana - Sustained reductions in IPV and VAC after six years: findings from the Bandebereho RCT in Rwanda
Kate Doyle, Emmanuel Karamage, Ruti Levtov, Felix Sayinzoga, Shamsi Kazimbaya, Fidele Rutayisire, Silas Ngayaboshya, Gary Barker - Adaptación de un programa comunitario de prevención de la violencia contra las mujeres al contexto indígena ecuatoriano
Diana Catalina Buitrago Orozco, Carmelina Moran, Lorena Levano, Mariana Felicio, Manuel Contreras Urbina - Integrating violence against women in national midwifery education in Timor-Leste
Felicity Young, Kayli Wild, Guilhermina de Araujo, Lidia Gomes, Angelina Fernandes, Leesa Hooker, Angela Taft
Wednesday, 21 September
10:30- 11:30
Coffee/tea break
Wednesday, 21 September
11:30- 13:00
Parallel session IV
11:30 – 13:00
4.1. GBV in humanitarian settings
Venue: Salón Del Prado
Translation available: Spanish, French, English
Chair: Anna Rita Ronzoni, World Health Organization
- Evaluation of the GBV Response among the Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh
Julie Lubisi, Iftikher Mahmood, Wael ElRayes, Md Golam Hafiz, Farhana Ul Hoque, Shireen S. Rajaram - Understanding partnership from both sides: an assessment on engagement with women-led organisations
Kate McCallister, Gianina Marquez - Prise en charge de la mesure non binaire de L’Exploitation et abus sexuels perpétré par Gardien de la paix
Samantha Gray, Sandrine Lusamba, Stéphanie Etienne, Sabine Lee, Susan Bartels - Local women led organisations leading GBV sub-cluster coordination mechanisms
Jennifer Chase, Martha Tureti ,Fiona Shanahan, Kade Betty Kenyi, Amina Abdullahi, Stefanie Ruehl - SGBV, social norms and access to justice in Somalia: integrating SGBV response and prevention in security and justice programming
Julienne Corboz, Caroline Enye, Katrina Aitken-Laird, Andrew McLean, Robin Mydlak, Brenton Peterson, Manar Zaki
11:30 – 13:00
4.2. Policy impact
Venue: Dalí-Goya
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Dosia Calderon, UNFPA
- Foundational elements: guidance for integrating GBV into sector-specific development programming
Michele Lanham, Diane Gardsbane, Fatima Saeed - Building the Jordan Government health response to GBV: a demand driven journey from emergency response to integration into national systems
Yara Deir - Addressing violence against women in health and multisectoral policies: methodological lessons and findings of a global status report
Katherine (Kat) Watson, Eva Burke, Judy Gold, Avni Amin - kNOwVAWdata initiative: an innovative model for improving skills to measure and monitor violence against women
Kristin Diemer, Cathy Vaughan, Henrica A.F.M (Henriette) Jansen, Sujata Tuladhar
11:30 – 13:00
4.3. Programme evaluations
Venue: Murillo-Miró
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Joya Banerjee, CARE USA
- Unintended impacts of an IPV prevention program: evidence from Rwanda
Julia Vaillant, Claire Cullen, Arthur Alik, Muthoni Ngatia - Reduced IPV driven largely by highest quality, most progressive facilitators
Jackline Namubiru, Christopher Boyer, Elizabeth Levy Paluck, Jeannie Annan, Tvisha Nevatia, Jasper Cooper, Lori Heise, Rachel Lehrer - Reproductive coercion and IPV: findings from an RCT of the Bandebereho Couples’ Intervention in Rwanda
Kate Doyle, Ruti Levtov, Emmanuel Karamage, Felix Sayinzoga, Shamsi Kazimbaya, Fidele Rutayisire, Silas Ngayaboshya - Communication changes and intimate partner violence: A longitudinal study in Mwanza, Tanzania
Sabrina Page, Sarah Meyer, Gerry Mshana, Grace Mtolela, Neema Mosha, Heidi Stöckl - A conceptual model of dating violence among young people aged 15 – 24 years in India
Devika Gupta, Marimilha Grace Pacheco, Sasha Agrawal, Pranali Gaonkar, Aresh Naik, Urvita Bhatia, Abhijit Nadkarni
11:30 – 13:00
4.4. Health sector responses
Venue: Lanzarote 1, 2
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Dina Deligeorgis, Senior Consultant (Gender Equality/Ending Violence)
- Integrating GBV and HIV services to serve the most vulnerable
Giuliana Morales, Cytirus Kerbay, Robyn Dayton, Gift Kamanga, Nana Clement, Rachel Lyimo, Josephine Freeman, Koya Clement, Philomena Junius - Testing the integration of gender-based violence screening and response in Nigerian reproductive health services
Myra Betron, Chioma Oduenyi, Sylverius Mayokun Obafemi, Hannah Tappis, Anne Pfitzer, Hannatu Abdullahi, Samaila Yusuf, Bello Maimaje Kabir, Nneka Chijioke-Dikeocha, Emeka Victor Ifemenam, Adamu Umar Maiakwai, Emily Bryce, Jay Silverman, Jasmine Uysal - Transforming the health system to respond to domestic and family violence: a global evidence synthesis from the Safer Families Centre
Kelsey Hegarty, Laura Tarzia, Jacqui Cameron, Jane Koziol-McLain, Leesa Hooker, Renee Fiolet - Strengthening coverage and quality of CMRIPV services through improved health cluster/sector coordination
Anne Achieng, Samrawit Assefa Melles, Claudia García-Moreno - “Who is going to believe me?”: help-seeking through the perspectives of Malaysian survivors of violence against women
Anis Farid, Isabel Chung, Sajaratulnisah Othman, Shanthi Thambiah, Shazana Agha
11:30 – 13:00
4.5. Adolescence: prevention, risk and protective factors
Venue: Tenerife 1, 2, 3
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Satyanarayana Ramanaik, Karnataka Health Promotion Trust (KHPT)
- The association between Childhood Sexual violence and low education attainment among 18-24 young people in Uganda. Evidence from the National Violence Against Children (2018)
Maria Ndibalekera, Clare Bangirana, Mathew Amollo, Kenneth Olido, Agatha Kafuko, Ronald Ssenyonga, Timothy Opobo - An exploratory, mixed-methods evaluation of the LINEA radio drama intervention to prevent age-disparate transactional sex in Shinyanga region, Tanzania
Marjorie Pichon, Daniel J. Carter, Lottie Howard-Merrill, Revocatus Sono, Veronicah Gimunta, Oscar Rutenge, Yandé Thiaw, Kirsten Stoebenau, Nancy Perrin, Ana Maria Buller - Voices of practitioners working to prevent VAC at schools in the global south (Voices of practitioners – video)
Dipak Naker, John Kalage, Shanaaz Matthews - Validating measures on violence against children and gender discrimination
Kathryn Barker, Jasmine Uysal, Bryan Shaw, Catherine Kennedy, Paul Bukuluki, Symon Wandiembe, Rogers Tumusiime, Rebecka Lundgren - Prevalence and pattern of intergenerational violence among women and girls in rural Karnataka, India
Aishwarya, Sudeshna Dey, Aparna Mukherjee, Ashwini Pujar, Prakash Marpady, Arin Kar, Maithreyi Ravikumar, Satyanarayana Ramanaik
11:30 – 13:00
4.6. Rape/partner violence: mental health impact
Venue: Greco
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Niyati Shah, World Bank Group
- Survivors’ relationship experiences following adult sexual violence: a qualitative study
Dagmar Stockman, Hanna Van Parys, Jan De Mol, Gilbert Lemmens, Ines Keygnaert, Heather Littleton, Kasia Uzieblo, Lesley Verhofstadt - Nqoba Sibindi! Rape survivors’ experiences of shame, self-blame and self-stigma in eThekwini, South Africa
Samantha Willan, Nwabisa Shai, Mercilene Machisa, Thobeka Majola, Mpumelelo Mabhida, Sinoqibile Mngadi, Tholsie Gounden, Naeemah Abrahams - Impacto del poder y la agencia en la violencia contra las mujeres y la salud mental
Laura Navarro Mantas, Soledad de Lemus, Efraín García-Sánchez, Lucy McGill, Nina Hansen, Jesús L. Megías - Patterns of women’s exposure to psychological violence: a global examination of low and middle income countries
Cari Jo Clark, Irina Bergenfeld, Yuk Fai Cheong, Lynnmarie Sardinha, Claudia Garcia-Moreno, Lori Heise
11:30 – 13:00
4.7. Participation – children and young people
Venue: Picasso
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: M. Catherine Maternowska, University of Edinburgh and the End Violence Lab
- Democratising sexual violence research through youth peer research
Silvie Bovarnick, Mariana Meshi - Child safeguarding in violence research: Lessons from the CoVAC study
Aggrey Akim, Amiya Bhatia, Anja Zinke-Allmang, Angel Mirembe, Janet Nakuti, Dipak Naker, Karen Devries - Togetherness and care amongst youth conceived from sexual violence: lessons from ethnographic research in Rwanda
Loes Loning, Christian Ngombwa - Child participation in family violence research: can young children manage?
Nataly Woollett, Nicola Christofides, Hannabeth Franchino-Olsen, Mpho Silima, Christina Thurston, Kopano Monaisa, Ansie Fouche, Franziska Meinck
Wednesday, 21 September
13:00- 14:30
Wednesday, 21 September
14:30- 16:00
Parallel session V
14:30 – 16:00
5.1. Humanitarian settings: GBV risks factors and contextual analysis
Venue: Salón Del Prado
Translation available: Spanish, French, English
Chair: Susan Bartels, Queen’s University
- New ways of working: emerging trends on SEA safeguarding by the private sector
Andrea Cullinan - Using participatory action research and implementation science to mitigate risks of sexual exploitation and abuse in humanitarian aid distributions
Alina Potts, Elizabeth Hedge, Loujine Fattal, Hope Harriet, Harriet Kolli, Tala Chammas, Godfrey Twesigye, Jihan Kaisi, Fatuma Nafish, Farah Hallak, Brian Matsiko, Amelia Reese, Chourouk Kouteich, Mercy Atim - Sexual exploitation and abuse: a contextual analysis of risk/protective factors
Luissa Vahedi, Susan Bartels, Sabine Lee, Stéphanie Etienne, Sandrine Lusamba, Kirstin Wagner, Heather Tasker - Violencia contra madres adolescentes vulnerables en Colombia: una aplicación de la VACS en un contexto de adversidad extrema
Arturo Harker, Laura Liévano Karim, Andrés Villaveces - Understanding attitudes and behaviors towards domestic violence in Iraq: adapting the UNICEF Communities Care approach to work towards prevention
Flore Rossi, Dechol Ramazan, Sunita Joergensen, Laurelle May, Amelie Moretti
14:30 – 16:00
5.2. Online apps: safety planning
Venue: Dalí-Goya
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Joanna Włodarczyk, Fundacja Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę
- Young people’s views about the potential for online participatory interventions
Jane Ndungu, Magnolia Ngcobo-Sithole, Andrew Gibbs - Caminos a la Seguridad: safety planning web-app development for Latinas
Nicholas Metheny, Alisa Velonis, Patricia O’Campo - Innovative visual learning approaches to equip no-to-low literate communities to safely respond to GBV disclosures
Dina Hanania, William Ngbadurezere, Magda Raudales, Çansu Aydin, Coryn Bookwalter, Samson Lugala, Lizette Montoya, Erika Murillo, Erin Patrick - Adapting a mobile safety planning application for Brazilian women
Rozeli Maria Mateus Vicelli, Rita Estela Salino, Jainy Costa Rosa, Maryana Maryana Arantes, Sandra Marques Prado, Marcos Claúdio Signorelli, Dabney P. Evans, Nancy Glass - Adapting myPlan for Kyrgyzstan: understanding women’s priorities when they are in unsafe intimate relationships
Jildyz Urbaeva, Jill Messing, Nancy Glass
14:30 – 16:00
5.3. Mental health
Venue: Murillo-Miró
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Karen Naimer, Physicians for Human Rights
- Trauma-informed change-making: cultivating a global network of local caregivers in hard-to-reach communities to strengthen mental health, well-being, & resilience
Ann Wahinya, Dau Dhieu, Ilya Yacevich, Anita Shankar - Case-study: a digital solidarity network for women who suffer VAW
Enrica Duncan, Gabriela Silva, Ana El Kadri, Maria Julia Wowczyk - Adapting a mind-body intervention for survivors of human trafficking in Cebu, Phillipines
Laura Cordisco Tsai, Sophie Namy, Carmina Charmaine G. Domingo, Chilou L. Benitez, Joyce Christine Nakiwala, Catherine Carlson - A mental health intervention with human trafficking survivors in Uganda
Catherine Carlson, Sophie Namy, Agnes Grace Nabachwa, Sylvia Namakula, Yan Luo, Madeleine Ollerhead, Laura Cordisco Tsai, Lauren Ng - Depression and post-traumatic stress symptoms two years post-rape and the role of early counselling
Shibe Mhlongo, Soraya Seedat, Rachel Jewkes, Bronwyn Myers, Esnat Chirwa, Jani Nothling, Carl Lombard, Nasheeta Peer, Andre Kenge, Claudia Garcia-Moreno, Kristin Dunkle, Naeemah Abrahams
14:30 – 16:00
5.4. Violence against women: health sector response strengthening
Venue: Lanzarote 1, 2
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Dinah Musindarwezo, Womankind Worldwide
- Coercion, violence, and reproductive health in Kenya, Bangladesh, and Niger
Erin Pearson, Jasmine Uysal, Shweta Tomar, Nicole Johns, Chi-Chi Undie, Wilson Liambila, Dipika Paul, Jamie Menzel, Holly Shakya, Seri Wendoh, Jay G. Silverman - Addressing reproductive coercion and intimate partner violence: evidence from ARCHES
Jay G. Silverman, Erin Pearson, Jasmine Uysal, Nicole Johns, Wilson Liambila, Dipika Paul, Jamie Menzel, Mohammad Abdul Hannan Shakhider, Rabeya Akter Konika, Seri Wendoh, Chi-Chi Undie - Strengthening the health sectors’ capacity to respond to VAWG: the Jamaican experience
Cynthia Pitter, Joy Harrison - Strengthening health systems’ response to violence against women
Sanjida Arora, Sangeeta Rege, Sarah Meyer, Avni Amin, Claudia García-Moreno - Integrating violence against women in undergraduate curriculum of health care providers in Mozambique: lessons learned and good practices
Beatriz Manuel, Martin Valcke, Ines Keygnaert, Kristien Roelens
14:30 – 16:00
5.5. Female genital mutilation
Venue: Tenerife 1, 2, 3
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Sabine Nkusi, Tearfund
- A person-centred approach for FGM prevention: results of a multi-country, randomised controlled trial (Mp4 Video)
Patrick Ndavi, Mamadou Dioulde Balde, Muna Abdi Ahmed, Anne-Marie Soumah, Tammary Esho, Ahmed Diriye, James Munyao, Jackline Kemboi, Aissatou Diallo, Alpha Oumar Sall, Subeer Abdirahman, Wisal Ahmed, Vernon Mochache, Karin Stein, Khurshed Nosirov, Soe Soe Thwin, Max Petzold, Christina Catherine Pallitto - Female genital mutilation in humanitarian and security crisis
Caroline Muller, Faye Nana Mouneissa Toure - A scan of FGM laws and policies in 5 MenEngage (MEA) Africa countries
Mpiwa Mangwiro-Tsanga, Mabel Sengendo - The NAWEZA project-girls as active agents of change by Msichana Empowerment Kuria, Kenya
Natalie Tingo - Integration of GBV prevention into group maternal care in Mali
Sarah Murray, Nicole Warren, Molly Lasater, Rokia Kone, Christine Bourey, Anne Batchelder, Aissata Ba, Djeneba Diarra, Seydou Doumbia
14:30 – 16:00
5.6. COVID-19: impact on women and girls
Venue: Greco
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Priya Dhanani, Asia Foundation
- COVID and intimate partner violence in Atlanta, Georgia: findings from a mixed-methods study
Dabney P. Evans, Amy Zeidan, Randi Smith, Subasri Narasimhan - Women and girls’ limited freedom during COVID-19 in Iraq
Ilana Seff, Dechol Ramazan, Najat Qushua, Alli Gillespie, Dorcas Erskine, Catherine Poulton, Sunita Joergensen, Lindsay Stark - Handling aid cuts: lessons in resilience from Malawian women’s rights organisations
Lusungu Kalanga, Amanda Bangura, Kate Bishop - Violencia contra las mujeres Mexicanas durante la pandemia COVID-19
Marina Séris Martínez, Leonor Rivera Rivera, Luz Myriam Reynales Shigematsu, José Alberto Gómez García, Fernando Austria Corrales, Filiberto Toledano Toledano, Diana Iris Tejadilla Orozco, Claudia Iveth Astudillo García - Voices of informal women workers: COVID-19, heightened GBV risks and livelihoods
Carol Ajema, Chryspin Afifu, Serah Nduta
14:30 – 16:00
5.7. Intimate partner violence measures and tools
Venue: Picasso
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Ellen Bates-Jefferys, Innovations for Poverty Action
- Measuring meaningful change in violence against women in Samoa
Laura Brown, Hattie Lowe, Helen Tanielu, Samoa Victim Support Group (SVSG), Jenevieve Mannell - Optimizing the construction of outcome measures for impact evaluations of IPV prevention interventions
Sangeeta Chatterji, Christopher Boyer, Vandana Sharma, Tanya Abramsky, Ruti Levtov, Kate Doyle, Sheila Harvey, Lori Heise - Review of measurement instruments for violence against older women used in quantitative surveys conducted globally
Christopher Mikton, Laura Campo Tena, Yongjie Yon, LynnMarie Sardinha, Claudia García-Moreno - Changes in intimate partner violence over time- a longitudinal study
Heidi Stöckl, Neema Mosha, Lori Heise, Sheila Harvey, Saidi Kapiga, Grace Mtolela, Gerry Mshana - Disclosure of gender-based violence in Senegal
Malick Dione, Melissa Hidrobo, Fatma Lamesse, Agnes le Port, Amber Peterman, Justine Briaux
Wednesday, 21 September
16:00 – 16:30
Coffee/tea break
Wednesday, 21 September
16:30 – 18:00
Parallel session VI
16:30 – 18:00
6.1. COVID-19: services and community-based responses
Venue: Salón Del Prado
Translation available: Spanish, French, English
Chair: Katie Robinette, World Bank Group
- How community and cross-sector partnerships saved GBV services during COVID in Nigeria
Rosemary Tola Ogunjobi, Kristy Crabtree - COVID19’s impact on the gender-based violence system in Guatemala
Luissa Vahedi, Lindsay Stark, Ana Isabel Interiano Perez, Ilana Seff, Sam McNelly, Deidi Olaya Rodriguez, Dorcas Erskine, Catherine Poulton - Stories of resilience: Tonga’s women and girls in the wake of a volcanic eruption, tsunami and COVID-19
‘Ofa Guttenbeil-Likiliki, Sonia Rastogi, Abigail Erikson - Understanding the demand and supply-side barriers and opportunities of accessing violence against women response services under COVID-19 in Albania
Rebeca Revenga Becedas, Rudina Rama, Marinela Sota, Carmen Sant Fruchtman, Arvina Dibra, Sindi Shahu, and Daniel Cobos Muñoz - Empowering girls: a randomized trial on mHealth ‘safe spaces’ during COVID-19
Noam Angrist, Efua Bortsie, Claire Cullen, Lorato Gaolebe, Amy Jung, Bogadi Mothlobogwa
16:30 – 18:00
6.2. Intervention development
Venue: Dalí-Goya
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Erin Kenny, Spotlight Initiative to Eliminate Violence Against Women and Girls
- Violence against older women in Western Balkans, Moldova and Ukraine
Milutin Vracevic, Natasa Todorovic, Patricia Brownell, Marija Babovic, Iván Castellanos - Young men’s social networks: implications for interventions
Sivuyile Khaula, Jenevieve Mannell, Laura Washington, Zamakhoza Khoza, Smanga Mkhanazi, Andrew Gibbs - Gender, romantic jealousy and intimate partner violence: a mixed-methods study in northern Ecuador
Ana Maria Buller Soto, Marjorie Pichon, Cleo Chevalier, Sarah Treves-Kagan - Exploring reproductive coercion and intimate partner violence among refugee women
Dipika Paul, Erin Pearson, Anika Tarannum, Jakaria Hossain, Jamie Menzel, Misang Prue Marma - Guidelines for the management of safe shelters for GBV survivors in the English and Dutch speaking Caribbean: a survivor-centered approach
Mariana Santoyo Bahamón, Pilar De la Corte Molina, Barbara Marques Araújo, Seth Broekman, Sahra Broms
16:30 – 18:00
6.3. Online violence
Venue: Murillo-Miró
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Madhu Deshmukh, CARE
- Artificial Intelligence for the prevention and detection of online sexual exploitation and abuse of children and adolescents: What we can learn from conversations between offenders and potential victims
Lina María Saldarriaga, Diana Maria Agudelo, Pablo Arbelaez, Viviana Quintero, Maria Fernanda Roa, Pablo Andres Uriza, Angela Castillo, Yuly Calderon, José Fernando Mejía - Technology-facilitated gender-based violence: findings from Asia
Vaiddehi Bansal, Laura Hinson, Mayumi Rezwan, Erin Leasure, Mithila Iyer, Connor Roth, Poulomi Pal, Kareem Kysia - Impacts of the GlobalConsent randomized controlled trial on sexually violent behavior and bystander behavior
Kathryn Mary Yount, Yuk Fai Cheong, Irina Bergenfeld, Quach Thu Trang, Jessica Sales, Yiman Li, Tran Hung Minh - Yanapp: Mobile app that aims to prevent and respond to gender-based violence in Peru
Lorena Levano Gavidia, Greta Granados De Orbegoso, Manuel Contreras Urbina - Information and communications technology use to prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence in lower- and middle-income countries
William C. Philbrick, Patricia N. Mechael, Jacob R. Milnor, Madhu Deshmukh
16:30 – 18:00
6.4. Being trauma-informed
Venue: Lanzarote 1, 2
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Elizabeth Dartnall, Sexual Violence Research Initiative
- Applying trauma-informed research ethics to systematic reviews: reflections from the field and researcher responsibilities
Siofra Peeren, Elsa Montgomery, Angela Sweeney, Sian Oram - Trauma-sensitive mindfulness and restorative-practices for GBV first-responders in humanitarian settings: qualitative evaluation across 7 countries
Paula Andrea Ramírez Diazgranados, Jennifer Chase, Simon Rosenbaum, Grace McKeon - Shared resilience as a resource? Rethinking the ethics of safety and care in participatory research on sensitive subjects: Lessons from Photovoice 2.0 research on campus rape culture with women students in South Africa
Elisabet Le Roux, Selina Palm
16:30 – 18:00
6.5. Female sex workers
Venue: Tenerife 1, 2, 3
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Yvette Efevbera, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Syndemics among cisgender and transgender female sex workers living with HIV in the Dominican Republic: defining and comparing typologies of violence and associations with HIV care and treatment, mental health, and substance use
Beth Maclin, Yan Wang, Yeycy Donastorg, Martha Perez, Hoisex Gomez, Clare Barrington, Deanna Kerrigan - Sexual abuse of boys in travel and tourism in Nepal
Pinky Singh Rana - South African female sex workers’ experiences of rape and IPV, and intersections with mental health
Rachel Jewkes, Kennedy Otwombe, Minja Milovanovic, Khuthadzo Hlongwane, Maya Jaffer, Mokgadi Matuludi, Venice Mbowane, Naomi Hill, Glenda Gray, Jenny Coetzee - How Covid-19 influenced the lives of women involved in sex work in Cúcuta, Colombia
Megan Fabbri, Magali Alba Niño, Sharvari Karandikar, Valentina Coronel Sanguino, Maria Alejandra Pineda, Yaina Díaz, Yesenia Alvarez Padilla
16:30 – 18:00
6.6. COVID-19: IPV and help seeking
Venue: Greco
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Alexandra Robinson, UNFPA
- Online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC) amidst COVID-19 in the Philippines
Adesty Dulawan-Ting, Philip Joel Macugay, Rosario Sequitin, Haley Clark - Impact of COVID-19 on domestic violence: help-seeking trends for child maltreatment, intimate partner violence and elder abuse in the Americas
Ana Paola Ruiz-Celis, Britta Baer - Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on couple relationships in Rwanda
Kate Doyle, Deboleena Rakshit, Ruti Levtov, Shamsi Kazimbaya, Emmanuel Karamage, Fidèle Rutayisire, Silas Ngayaboshya, Felix Sayinzoga - Embracing preparedness in Solomon Islands’ COVID-19 violence against women and girls’ response
Juliana Zutu, Vaela Devesi, Merrilyn Pryde, Sonia Rastogi, Doris Puiahi, Uieta Kaufus - Applying behavioral science to improving outreach and monitoring in survivor services: evidence from Honduras and Chile
Marta Garnelo Caamano, Paloma Bellatin Nieto, Alexandra De Filippo, Paloma Bellatin, Monica Wills Silva, Chloe Bustin, Montserrat Bustelo, Nidia Hidalgo, Elizabeth Guerrero, Marta Cozar, Gustavo Cabezas
16:30 – 18:00
6.7. Dialogic panel: Power and control in research: The HIC – LMIC divide
Time: 16:30 – 18:00
Venue: Picasso
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Pontso Mafethe, African Women’s Development Fund
- Nwabisa Jama Shai, South African Medical Research Council
- Laxman Belbase, MenEngage
- Mary Ellsberg, Global Women’s Institute at the George Washington University
- Tesmerelna Atsbeha, Wellspring Philanthropic Fund
- Rozina Karmaliani, Aga Khan University
Wednesday, 21 September
20:00 – 23:00
Gala dinner
Venue: Grand Salón Del Prado
Thursday, 22 September 2022
Thursday, 22 September
09:00 – 10:30
Plenary III: The researchers on whose shoulders we stand
09:00 – 10:30
Plenary III: The researchers on whose shoulders we stand
Venue: Grand Salón Del Prado
Translation available: Spanish, French, English
Co-chairs: Rachel Jewkes, South African Medical Research Council and Manuela Balliet, London School for Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- Mary Koss, University of Arizona
- Jacquelyn Campbell, Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing
- Naeemah Abrahams, South African Medical Research Council
- Claudia García-Moreno, World Health Organization
Thursday, 22 September
10:30 – 11:30
Coffee/tea break
Thursday, 22 September
11:30 – 13:00
Parallel VII
11:30 – 13:00
7.1. Scale-up: parenting and schools
Venue: Salón Del Prado
Translation available: Spanish, French, English
Chair: Felicia Knaul, University of Miami Institute for Advanced Study of the Americas
- Cluster randomised trial of Parenting for Respectability programme to reduce violence against children and intimate partners in Uganda
Jamie Lachman, Godfrey Siu, Qing Han, Joseph Kahwa, Brenda Nakefeero, Carolyn Namutebi, Richard Sekiwunga, Francisco Calderon, Julie Riddell, Danny Wight - Lessons from scaling-up the Bandebereho couples’ intervention through the health system in Rwanda(if you would like to have more information on this presentation, please write to us for contact details of the presenter)
Kate Doyle, Emmanuel Karamage - Scaling up a whole school violence prevention programme: early lessons learned
Aggrey Akim, Tvisha Nevatia, Clare Tanton, Janet Nakuti, Angel Mirembe, Mathew Amollo, John Bosco Apota - Adaptation and implementation of HERA (Healthcare Responding to Violence and Abuse) intervention in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Palestine and Brazil(if you would like to have more information on this presentation, please write to us for contact details of the presenter)
Loraine Bacchus, Stephanie Pereira, Ana Flavia d’Oliveira, Beatriz Kalichman, Tharuka Ushani, Prabash Siriwardhana, Thilini Rajapakse, Poonam Rishal, Pusp Bhatt, Smirti Luitel, Samita KC, Nagham Joudeh, Amira Shaheen, Abdulsalam Alkaiyat, Gene Feder, Claudia Garcia Moreno, Manuela Colombini - Uganda evaluation informs No Means No violence prevention programming scale-up
Jennifer Hegle, Marissa Strniste, Sophie Nantume, Catherine Muwanga, Rose Baryamutuma, Viva Thorsen
11:30 – 13:00
7.2. VAW prevention
Venue: Dalí-Goya
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Chi-Chi Undie, Population Council
- What it takes to build multisectoral collaboration to prevent violence
Matodzi Amisi, Chandre Gould, Diketso Mufamadi, Ayanda Mazibuko - The prevention triad model for understanding what works to prevent violence against women and girls
Lori Heise, Erin Stern, Ruti Levtov, Ritha Nyiratunga - Shifting social norms to prevent age-disparate transactional sex in Tanzania: what we can learn from intervention development research
Lottie Howard-Merrill, Cathy Zimmerman, Revocatus Sono, John Riber, Joyce Wamoyi, Piotr Pawlak, Lori Rolleri Insignares, Robyn Yaker, Ana Maria Buller - A parenting app to prevent child sexual abuse and family violence: early learnings and future directions
Lauren Baerecke, Isang Awah, Roselinde Janowski, Jonathan Klapwijk, Nicole Chetty, Joyce Wamoyi, Lucie Cluver - Including VAW prevention in parent training for parents and teens
Natalie Davidson, Catherine L. Ward
11:30 – 13:00
7.3. Role of women’s movements on VAW/VAC
Venue: Murillo-Miró
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Tania Turner, Fondo Semillas
- Building movements and building power: individual and institutional approaches for embodying feminist values in organisational life
Iris Nxumalo-De Smidt - Women’s solidarity during patriarchal backlash: high-risk feminism in Mexico
Julia Zulver - The role of women’s movement on VAWC in Indigenous communities in Australia
Chay Brown, Tracey Williams, Emma Fulu - The role of women’s movements on VAWC
Mary Ellsberg, Shanaaz Mathews, Merike Blofield, Deviyani Dixit
11:30 – 13:00
7.4. Cash assistance and cost of violence
Venue: Lanzarote 1, 2
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Tesmerelna Atsbeha, Wellspring Philanthropic Fund
- The economic burden of intimate partner violence in Colombia
Derek Brown, Melissa Meinhart, Catherine Poulton, Lindsay Stark - Evaluation of Mozambique’s child grant: A cash + care intervention to reduce violence against women and children
Juan Bonilla, Zlata Bruckauf, Rosa Castro-Zarzur, Amber Peterman - Women and girls choose: cash assistance in GBV case management saves lives
Pamela Di Camillo, Reem Khamis, Rio Otara, Erika Garcia Roa, Elena Bertola, Erica Talentino, Sana Asi - Costo de la violencia de género y el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en Bolivia
Carla Camacho - Cash transfers and intimate partner violence in South Sudan
Courtland Robinson, Robert Kenyi Morjan, Kevin Savage, Emily Lyles, Kayla Pfeiffer-Mundt, Allison Jeffery, Gerbrand Alkema, Shannon Doocy
11:30 – 13:00
7.5. COVID-19: going remote
Venue: Tenerife 1, 2, 3
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Chelsea Ullman, Global Women’s Institute at the George Washington University
- Reflections on conducting remote qualitative interviews on intimate partner violence during the COVID-19 pandemic and hard lockdown
Pinky Mahlangu, Andrew Gibbs, Nwabisa Shai, Mercilene Machisa, Ncediswa Nunze, Yandisa Sikweyiya - Virtual adaptation of a gender-based violence quality assurance assessor training
Langan Denhard, Meagan Cain, Jennifer Hegle, Eunice Kamami, Fikirte Sida, Jackson Okuku, Udhayashankar Kanagasabai - Capturing violence against women data via remote telephonic data collection: empirical methodological learnings
Mallika Dehingia, Ramya Emandi, Jessamyn Encarnacion, Kalliopi Mingeirou, Yeliz Osman, Raphaëlle Rafin, Anita Raj, Papa Seck, Rea Jean Tabaco - Culturally competent and online: domestic violence and abuse training for primary healthcare practitioners
Angela Taft, Bijaya Pokharel, Asha Padisetti, Jennifer Neil, Kelsey Hegarty, Felicity Young, Gene Feder - Online training to reduce sexual harassment at the University of Eswatini
Fortunate Shabalala, Sakhile Masuku, Nelisiwe Masilela, Vinton Omaleki, Rebecca Fielding-Miller
11:30 – 13:00
7.6. Justice
Venue: Greco
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Marla González, International Justice Mission
- Respuesta institucional a denuncias de violencia contra la mujer en Guatemala
Astrid Roxana Maas Jacome - Inoperancia del sistema de justicia en sobrevivientes de delitos sexuales en México
Ma.Teresa Villalobos, María Zorrilla, Marcela Herrera, Roberto Castro - SAFE: protection orders must protect! Exploring duty bearers’ understanding of domestic violence laws in South Africa
Kerryn Rehse, Tarisai Mchuchu-MacMillan - Improving access to formal justice services for SGBV survivors through mobile courts in Nampula, Mozambique
Megan Cox Misawa, Melani O’Leary, Alice Ambrucer, Alizete Molande dos Santos, Mirette Bahgat - Diagnóstico nacional de órdenes de protección en México: retos y oportunidades para prevenir la violencia feminicida
Xipatl Contreras, Ximena Ugarte
11:30 – 13:00
7.7. LGBTQI+
Venue: Picasso
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chair: Elizabeth Louis, COFEM
- Violencias en la vida de adolescentes no heterosexuales en México
Irene Casique - Violence and depression among men who have sex with men in Tanzania
Lucy Raphael Mgopa, Jessie Mbwambo, Samuel Likindikoki, Pedro Pallangyo - Intimate partner violence among LGBTQ+ adults in Latin America and the Caribbean: a systematic review
Dabney Evans, Marcos Signorelli, Casey Xavier Hall, Sofia Huster
Thursday, 22 September
13:00 – 14:30
Thursday, 22 September
14:30 – 16:00
Parallel VIII: Five Minute Presentations
14:30 – 16:00
8.1. Understanding violence against children
Venue: Salón Del Prado
Translation available: Spanish, French, English
Chairs: Diana Arango, World Bank Group and Laura Somoggi, Womanity Foundation
See the slide deck for the session here.
- Violencia contra la niñez en América Latina y el Caribe
Deborah Fry, Karina Padilla, Amanda Germanio, Mengyao Lu, Srividya Ivatury, Stefania Vindrola, Kendra Gregson, Esther Ruiz - Honor, violence, and children: a systematic scoping review of global evidence
Amiya Bhatia, Michelle Lokot, Leah Kenny, Beniamino Cislaghi - Male and female narratives of childhood abuse in Mwanza Tanzania
Esther Peter, Heidi Stoeckl, Diana Aloyce, Donati Malibwa, Saidi Kapiga, Gerry Mshana - Acompañamiento a casos de violencia sexual infantil
Silvia Pérez Yescas, Sonia Ivonne Pérez Huerta - A Nigerian grassroots strategy against child sexual abuse
Chinyere Eyoh - Niñas y niños (de)construyendo normas de género nocivas
Karina Padilla, Debora Fry - Parenting without violence: transforming norms and understanding rights within families
Lauren Stephens - Women’s experiences of mothering children in the context of IPV: reflections from women residing in shelters in South Africa
Bianca Dekel, Naeemah Abrahams - Teachers’ narratives of use of violent discipline against students in Cote d’Ivoire
Manuela Balliet, Clare Tanton, Ariane Yah N’Djore, Tiemele Kouassi, Dally Mustapha, Francois Joseph Azoh, Karen Devries, Shelley Lees - Predictors of attendance and its impact on the effectiveness of the Parenting for Respectability programme in Uganda
Qing Han, Brenda Nakafeero, Jamie M Lachman, Joseph Kahwa, Carolyn Namutebi, Richard Sekiwunga, Francisco Calderon, Danny Wight, Godfrey Siu - Joining Forces to scale initiatives to end violence against children
Rebecka Lundgren, Lauren Stephens - An online/in-school intervention to reduce school-based violence during COVID-19
Jasmine Uysal, Marilyn Akinola, Symon Wandiembe, Paul Bukuluki, Rogers Tumusiime, Catherine Kennedy, Rebecka Lundgren - Working with young survivors of sexual violence to inform VAC interventions
Claire Cody, Silvie Bovarnick - How do children define violence and maltreatment in childhood? A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative studies from sub-Saharan Africa
Ellen Turner, Sue Kelly, Emily Eldred, Katrina Bouzanis, Anne Gatuguta, Manuela Balliet, Shelley Lees, Karen Devries - L’Utilité des Plateformes de Lutte contre les VBG (PFVBG)
Bessi Tanohin Josiane Adèle, Fe Gondo Salvador, Kouye Méogbeu Pauline
14:30 – 16:00
8.2. Feminist funding, movements | Research methods
Venue: Dalí-Goya
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chairs: Diane Gardsbane and Jennifer Davis, Making Cents International
See the slide deck for the session here.
Feminist funding, movements
- Using its ‘Leading from the South’ model, AWDF will showcase what works in resourcing African women-led organisations for violence redress
Dinnah Nabwire, Pontso Mafethe - Funder-led to field-led: localising VAC prevention evaluations in East Africa
Giulia Barnhisel - Lessons from the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women on supporting and promoting resilience, before and in the context of a global pandemic
Mila Ioncheva, Fiona Dalmier - Activism and civil society collaborating to center GBV prevention in South Africa
Nwabisa Shai, Dululu Hlatshaneni, Managa Pillay, Keitumetise Moutloatse, Shaheda Omar, Nkeletseng Tsesane, Cynthia Nyoni, Naeemah Abrahams, Abigail Hatcher - Leading from behind: challenging the NGO-ization of feminist movement building
Sharanya Sekaram, Nida Mushtaq, Virginia García Bolívar, Mendy Marsh - Funding ethically: better funding to help decolonise research in lower and middle income countries
Ayesha Mago, Elizabeth Dartnall - Let’s talk about money! Shifting the way we resource feminist movements
Erin Kenny, Zebib Kidane, Gabrielle Dorey - Democratizando las prioridades de investigación en VCMN en ALC
Carmen Porras Gomez, Anna Landa Ugarte, Ivonne Argueta Vásquez, Beiby Vaca Parada - The power of partnerships: programming lessons for strengthening movements and solidarity in East and Southern Africa
Sunita Caminha, Laura Davidson, June Ndeti, Jackline Kiambi - Social media as a tool for feminist movement building
Lucky Kobugabe, Natsnet Ghebrebrhan - Applying an intersectional lens to promote inclusion: theories of power or difference?
Fatima Saeed on behalf of COFEM
Research methods
- Conceptualisations of reproductive coercion: a comparative synthesis in Brazil, Nepal and Sri Lanka
Manuela Colombini, Poonam Rishal, Cecilia Guida Vieira Graglia, Janaina Marques de Aguiar, Lilia Blima Schraiber, Sandi Dheensa, Claudia García-Moreno, Loraine Bacchus - Preparing for unexpected suicidal ideation in violence research: Lessons from evaluation of the Becoming One Program
Tvisha Nevatia, Jackline Namubiru, Christopher Boyer, Elizabeth Levy Paluck, Jeannie Annan, Jasper Cooper, Lori Heise, Rachel Lehrer - Innovative qualitative methods for collection of sensitive data
Shireen Shehzad Bhamani, David Arthur, An-Sofie Van Parys, Nicole Letourneau, Gail Wagnild, Olivier Degomme - Financial abuse as an invisible form of IPV: a multi-country review
Judy Postmus, Gretchen Hoge, Jan Breckenridge, Donna Chung - Leveraging Storytelling as a participant-led survivor-centered GBV research methodology from a 2-country study on child marriage in humanitarian settings (short video)
Clare Lofthouse, Joanna Shepherd, Katherine Gambir - Co-creating the Global Shared Research Agenda: Decolonising research and knowledge
Julienne Corboz, Elizabeth Dartnall, Chay Brown, Emma Fulu, Mark Tomlinson
14:30 – 16:00
8.3. Mental health | VAW in humanitarian settings, conflict and crises
Venue: Murillo-Miró
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chairs: Anik Gevers and Morma Moremi, Sexual Violence Research Initiative
See the session slide deck here.
Mental health
- Engagement of sexual violence survivors in trauma-informed research
Katherine M Anderson, Maile Y. Karris, Alexandra Fernandez DeSoto, S. Giovanna Carr, Jamila K. Stockman - Psychosocial interventions to improve mental health of survivors of human trafficking: a systematic and realist review
Joelle Mak, Abigail Bentley, Sharli Paphitis, Melanie Abas, Cathy Zimmerman, David Osrin, Delanjathan Devakumar, Ligia Kiss - Resilience in the face of gender-based violence against women in the informal work sector: a study of Kampala markets, Uganda
Esther Mercy Atim, Linette du Toit, Maelle Noire, Elizabeth Kemigisha, Irene Ekonga - Building and nurturing a practice-based learning culture
Tvisha Nevatia, Sophie Namy, Lori Michau - IPV victimization during pregnancy increases risk of postpartum depression among urban adolescent mothers in South Africa
Luwam Gebrekristos, Allison Groves, Luz McNaughton Reyes, Dhayendre Moodley, Suzanne Maman - Gender-based violence and mental ill-health are associated with alcohol use
Kim Anh Nguyen, Naeemah Abrahams, Bronwyn Myers, Rachel Jewkes, Shibe Mhlongo, Soraya Seedat Seedat, Carl Lombard, Claudia García-Moreno, Esnat Chirwa, Andre Pascal Kengne, Nasheeta Peer - Adaptation of an empowerment counseling intervention for IPV in Tanzania
Dorothy Mushi, Mary Ellsberg, Bathsheba Mahenge, Esther Karnely, Kathryn Falb, Claudia García-Moreno, Maureen Murphy, Angela Bourassa - Psychosocial wellbeing and experience of community, household, and intimate-partner violence among young men and women during COVID-19 in Cape Town, South Africa
Miriam Hartmann, Danielle Giovenco, Zangin Zeebari, Yanga Zembe, Gina Itzikowitz, Anna Mia Ekström, Anna Nielsen, Linda-Gail Bekker, Anna Kågesten
VAW in humanitarian settings, conflict and crises
- Climate change and gender-based violence: what are the links?
Jeanne Ward - Expanding learning on the effectiveness of integrating gender-based violence response and cash assistance in humanitarian settings: a mixed-methods study
Tenzin Manell, Aditi Bhanja, Janna Metzler, Cassondra Puls, Andrew Gibbs, Esnat Chirwa, Fanny Santana Zambrano - How can feminist leadership improve the global humanitarian system?
Jule Voss, Jeanne Ward - Protection of female staff and volunteers in humanitarian response: lessons from Bangladesh
Ashish Banik, Abrar Al Amin, Maureen Murphy, Skylar Wynn, Angela Bourassa - Making progress visible: a human-centered design approach to creating field friendly GBV M&E Tools in humanitarian settings
Kade Betty Kenyi, Maureen Murphy, Alina Potts, Fiona Shanahan - Building linkages to better assist survivors of sexual exploitation and abuse
Emily Krasnor, Erin Gerber, Domenica Costantini - Knowing what you don’t know: a study of knowledge, attitudes and practices to GBV in the humanitarian workforce
Constanze Quosh, Elizabeth Morrissey, Janis Ridsdel, Aanchal Narang, Karin Aue - Putting learning into practice: GBV under COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal
Om Maharjan, Rajrattan Lokhande, Clare Hollowell
14:30 – 16:00
8.4. Understanding violence against adolescents | Tech-facilitated violence, tech-based prevention and response
Venue: Lanzarote 1, 2
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chairs: Pinky Mahlangu and Mercilene Machisa, South African Medical Research Council
See the session slide deck here.
Understanding violence against adolescents
- Which groups are most affected by sexual violence? A disaggregated analysis of sex, age, and HIV-status among adolescents living in South Africa
Nontokozo Langwenya, Elona Toska, Lucie Cluver - Prevention of adolescent sexual violence: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Antonio Piolanti, Ernest N. Jouriles, Heather M. Foran - Intergenerational education and violence effects on adolescent education, early employment, and adolescent parenting
Neema Mosha, Gerry Mshana, Elona Toska, Lucas Hertzog, Chris Desmond, Lucie Cluver, Saidi Kapiga, Heidi Stöckl - Workplace violence against adolescents: findings from a cohort in Uganda
Louise Knight, Ligia Kiss, Agnes Kyamulabi, Fred Kasalirwe, Elizabeth Allen, Simone Datzberger, Eddy Walakira, Jenny Parkes, Dipak Naker, Karen Devries, Clare Tanton - Implementer quality of delivery and experiences at scale in Tanzania
Mackenzie Martin, Joyce Wamoyi, Jamie Lachman, Esther Ndetyabura, Nyasha Manjengenja, Yulia Shenderovich, Qing Han, Francisco Calderon - Perpetration and tolerance of gender-based violence among adolescents in Ghana
Adjoa Yenyi, Brian Ahanotu - Clinical and community perspectives on the effects of COVID-19 on adolescents experiencing violence in Kisumu, Kenya
Corrie Mevis, Ruby E. Reed, Hellen Barsosio, Isdorah Akoth, Eucabeth Awuonda, Jennifer Kang, Rasika Behl, Clea Sarnquist - AMAZE: un recurso digital en Educación Integral en Sexualidad (EIS) para prevenir la violencia-basada en género (VBG) en la adolescencia
Mariana Cruz Murueta, Nicole Cheetham, Lorena Santos, Angélica García
Tech-facilitated violence, tech-based prevention and response
- From human centered technology design to women and girls-centered digital products addressing gender-based violence
Abeera Akhtar, Sunita Palekar Joergensen, Elfriede MF Kormawa, Caroline Masboungi, Guillaume Michels, Joan Mneney, Alexia Nisen, Catherine Poulton, Virginia Zuco Silva - Improving forensic documentation of sexual violence: an evaluation of MediCapt
Lindsey Green, Suzanne Kidenda, Roseline Muchai, Thomas McHale, Ranit Mishori, Brett Nelson - Gender norms and online misogyny on Twitter: identifying the link between offline and online violence against women in India
Nabamallika Dehingia, Anita Raj - Do celebrity influencers matter when it comes to ending violence against women and girls? Here’s why they can and should (short video)
Koye Adeboye - Virtual implementation of LIVES first-line support training for HIV providers
Jennifer Hegle, Meagan Cain, Langan Denhard, Kanagasabai Udhayashankar, Haddi Cham, Viva Thorsen, Regina Benevides - Girls invest: a mobile-enabled economic empowerment intervention for girls to reduce risk for partner violence
Elizabeth Reed, Mobolaji Salawu, Frances Rivera, Omowumi Okedare, Susan Kiene, Olufunmilayo Fawole - Integrating intimate partner violence (IPV) prevention into digital parenting programmes in sub-Saharan Africa: ParentText
Moa Schafer, Jamie Lachman, Frances Gardner, Hlengiwe Gwebu, Rumaya Binti Juhari, Rosanne Jocson, Liane Alampay, Lucie Cluver, Joyce Wamoyi, Supun Wijesinghe, Ytske Van Winden, David Stern, Chiara Facciola, Lily Clements, Paula Zinser, Saara Thakur, Qing Han
14:30 – 16:00
8.5. Understanding violence against women – prevalence and risk
Venue: Tenerife 1, 2, 3
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chairs: Heidi Stöckl, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen and Kumudu Wijewardene, SVRI Leadership Council member
See the session slide deck here.
- Intimate partner violence against women in the Arab world: critical reflections on the results of the systematic review of risk factors
Amera Mojahed, Nada Alaidarous, Hanadi Shabte, Janice Hegewald, Susan Garthus-Niegel - Exploring intersecting identities and experiences of violence with women with disabilities in Lima, Peru
Amy Riley-Powell, Lilia Cabrera, Valerie Paz Soldán - Young men’s gambling and intimate partner violence and non-partner sexual violence perpetration in Mwanza, Tanzania
Rebecca Eulalia Alba Brambilla, Gerry Mshana, Donati Malibwa, Simon Sichalwe, Saidi Kapiga, Heidi Stöckl - Multi-contextual violence in the United Nations Multi-Country Study on Men and Violence in Asia and the Pacific
Christine Bourey, Shoshanna Fine, M. Claire Greene, Jura Augustinavicius, Sarah Murray - EVE Study findings on structural and contextual drivers of IPV
Jenevieve Mannell, Hattie Lowe, Laura Brown, Reshmi Mukerji - Impact of masculine norms on violence against women and girls in Nepal
Mahesh Puri, Taveeshi Gupta, Karuna Onta, Brian Heilman - Prevalence of intimate partner violence against adult women in Brazil
Marcos Signorelli, Felipe Granado de Souza, Raimundo V. B. Pinheiro Junior, Juliana Valente, Solange Andreoni, Leandro F. M. Rezende, Zila Van Der Meer Sanchez - Disabilities, violence and HIV among young women in Lesotho
Greta Massetti, Laura Chiang, Caroline Stamatakis, Jennifer Hegle, Francis Anno - Association between adverse childhood experiences, gender attitudes, poor mental health and violence perpetration among men in Central Region of Ghana
Esnat Chirwa, Mercilene Machisa, Adolphina Addo-Lartey, Yandisa Sikweyiya, Deda Ogum Alangea, Rachel Jewkes - Factors associated with sexual violence among married women in Nigeria
Zubaida Abubakar, Yusuf Olushola Kareem, Zubaida Abubakar, Babatunde Adelekan, Erika Goldson, Toyin Chukwudozie, Ulla Mueller - Association between non-IPV sexual trauma and economic hardship
Veronica Ades, Caryn Ha, Victoria Chen, Mirella Torresan, Katherine Thompson, Fang Wang, David Keefe - Intersecting vulnerabilities and experiences of GBV: the case of Jamaica
Natasha Mortley, Carol Watson Williams - Reproductive coercion in nine low- and middle-income contexts
Shannon Wood, Haley Thomas, Georges Guiella, Rosine Mosso, Pierre Akilimali, Peter Gichangi, Funmilola OlaOlorun, Elizabeth Omoluabi, Anoop Khanna, Simon Kibira, Frederick Makumbi, Michele Decker - Effects of exposure to sexually explicit material on sexually violent behavior among first-year university men in Vietnam
Irina Bergenfeld, Yuk Fai Cheong, Quach Thu Trang, Tran Hung Minh, Kathryn M Yount - Violencia y discriminación contra inmigrantes Latinos en los Estados Unidos
Kristin Grace Bevilacqua, Sarah Arciniegas, Kathleen Page, Anne Steinberg, Julie Stellmann, Alejandra Flores-Miller, Andrea Wirtz - Sexual harassment in low- and middle-income countries: a qualitative systematic review
Selina Hardt, Heidi Stöckl, Joyce Wamoyi, Meghna Ranganathan - Gender-based violence: voices of women migrant workers in Thailand
Montakarn Chuemchit, Chit Pyae Pyae Han, Suttharuethai Chernkwanma, Nutta Taneepanichskul, Wandee Sirichokchatchawan, Valentina Volpe - Burning jealousy for two dollars: Acid attack, a corrosive type of intimate partner violence in Cambodia
Maurice Eisenbruch, Phally Chhun, Shelly Makleff - Domestic violence against infertile women: lived experiences of Jordanian women
Zaid Al-hamdan, Hala Bawadi, Cari Clark, Rachel Hall-Clifford, Wardha Mowla - Sexual violence and unintended pregnancy among young women in Nigeria
Yusuf Olushola Kareem, Zubaida Abubakar, Babatunde Adelekan, Erika Goldson, Toyin Chukwudozie, Ulla Mueller
14:30 – 16:00
8.6. Responses (including humanitarian settings)
Venue: Greco
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chairs: Matodzi Amisi and Chandre Gould, Institute for Security Studies
See the session slide deck here.
- Scaling up support to grassroots women’s organizations as GBV service providers
Katie Robinette, Claude Kitumaini, Crispin Kapema, Michelle Doerlemann et al. - Alertas de Género en México: impacto en el sector salud
Javier Contreras Arreaga, Sophie Morse - After disclosure: longitudinal study with domestic violence survivors in primary health care
Stephanie Pereira, Lilia Blima Schraiber, Loraine Bacchus, Ana Flávia Pires Lucas d’Oliveira - The case for health-based GBV case management: lessons from Papua New Guinea
Lucy Stevens, Paro Chaujar, Pamela Kamya - How effective is intimate partner violence education at improving student knowledge, attitudes, and preparedness?
Rose Olson, Mary Margaret Olson, Dina Hagigeorges, Avni Amin, Claudia Garcia-Moreno - Improved post-GBV services in primary health care in Ethiopia
Elizabeth Stones, Heran Abebe - Estrategia de alojamiento temporal en hoteles para mujeres, niños, niñas y adolescentes sobrevivientes de VBG
Patricia Diana Bordier Morteo, José Antonio Ruiz Hernández, Rocío Aznar Dabán - Tracking GBV health service utilization in humanitarian settings during COVID-19
Anna Rita Ronzoni, Rana Mohammed, Maria Caterina Ciampi, Inigbehe Babatunde Oyinloye, Saba Zariv, Claudia García-Moreno - Availability of post-GBV minimum care package at health facilities – Nigeria
Sylverius Obafemi, Nneka Nneka Chijioke-Dikeocha, Abudu Yusuf, Emeka Victor, Adamu Umar, Belo Maimaje Kabir, Samaila Yusuf, Myra Betron, Gertrude Odezugo, Chioma Oduenyi - Development of an integrated platform for survivors of VAW in Chile
Giselle Bello, Gabriela Inchauste, Manuel Contreras-Urbina - The impact of capacity building on GBV screening, case identification, and post-GBV-Care: the RISE experience
Ehi Adejo-Ogiri, AdeBanjo Olowu, Bababunmi Micheal Okeowo, Adebanjo Adetosoye, Mukthar Ijaiya, Christiana Idowu Olu, Gbenga Benjamin Obasa, Emmanuel Nduka Atuma, Chioma Oduenyi - Sleep in abused pregnant and postpartum women: novelties in violence prevention research
Nandini Agarwal, Nafisa Halim - Women’s experiences matters: the effects of mistreatment during childbirth
Nicole Minckas, Julia Adriana Diaz, Romina Garcia, Sebastian Diaz, Luciana Villarreal, Ayelen Villarreal, Belen Villarreal, Lu Gram, Colette Smith, Jenevieve Mannell - Development of a tool to assess the prevention, mitigation, and response services to sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment in health facilities
Elizabeth Arlotti-Parish, Jennifer Breads, Imteaz Mannan, Khatera Baqi, Lailuma Tamana, Mahmood Azimi, Hamida Hussaini, Enayatullah Mayar, Rita Hashemi, Sarah Haddock, Yalda Royan, Megin Reijnders, Ifeyinwa Udo, Leora Ward - Embrace Life México / Abrazando la Vida”- Estrategia de salud sexual y reproductiva, materno y neonatal en el contexto de COVID19: El rol de las parteras profesionales y parteras comunitarias
Dosia Calderon, Elsa Santos - Synergistic effects of violence on overdose among women who inject drugs
Claudia Stoicescu, Bethany Medley, Putri Tanjung, Nabila El-Bassel, Louisa Gilbert
14:30 – 16:00
8.7. Femicide | Violence against women prevention and costing
Venue: Picasso
Translation available: Spanish, English
Chairs: Yvonne Themba and Craig Harding, SVRI Board
See the session slide deck here.
- Feminicidios en Puerto Rico – observatorio de equidad de género
Debora Upegui-Hernandez, Irma Lugo-Nazario - Perpetrators of femicide in South Africa: findings from the 3rd South African femicide study 2017
Tholsie Gounden, Asiphe Ketelo, Shibe Mhlongo, Naeemah Abrahams
Violence against women prevention and costing
- Step it up for gender equality in South African media (short video)
Begoña Castro Vázquez, Luxolo Matomela - Global review of a gender-based violence prevention intervention “WINGS” for key affected populations: outcomes, lessons learned, and future directions
Louisa Gilbert, Dawn Goddard-Eckrich, Danil Nikitin, Anindita Dasgupta, Maryna Hrudii, Timothy Hunt, Tina Jiwatram-Negron, Harjyot Khosa, Lyudmila Kim, Vielta Parhomenko, Sholpan Primbetova, Alina Sarnatska, Claudia Stoicescu, Assel Terlikbayeva, Nabila El-Bassel - Engaging men as allies in preventing violence against women and girls
Marta Garnelo, Leah Tandeter, Michelle Mendes Meireles Silva - Gakey lamtoen: Bhutan’s GBV prevention pilot
Jessica Zimerman, Sonam Lhamo, Sonam Gyeltshen, Ugyen Tshomo, Tshewang Lhamo, Tshering Choden, Anik Gevers - Learning from practice on prevention of VAW/G
Gemma Wood, Shruti Majumdar - The GenderPro Initiative
Deviyani Dixit, Chelsea Ullman, Skylar Wynn - Applying intersectionality in practice: Lessons from CSOs
Elisabet le Roux, Selina Palm - ‘Now we are not afraid, our courage has grown’: A qualitative study of drivers of collective action to address VAW in Mumbai, India
Lu Gram, Sukanya Paradkar, Nayreen Daruwalla, David Osrin, Beniamino Cislaghi - Global estimates of costs and effects of IPV prevention: rapid review and metanalysis
Giulia Ferrari, Nadia Carvalho, Kim Wu, Meskerem Kebede, Sa’id Gaya, Tharanga Godallage, John Stover, Howard S Friedman - Economic costs of violence against women in Viet Nam – violence is costly today and tomorrow
Quynh Anh Thi Ha, Loan Tran Thi Bich - The economic costs of violence against women: an evidence appraisal
Seema Vyas, Melissa Meinhart, Katrina Troy, Hannah Brumbaum, Catherine Poulton, Lindsay Stark - Join the chorus: unifying the global prevention of violence against women and girls
Lyndsey Dearlove, Sarah Walker, Pamela Zaballa - Lessons learned about integrating GBV prevention into SDG programming
Anik Gevers, Jessica Zimerman, Diego Antoni, Erin Stern, Dasom Shin, Sawsan Nourallah, Gulistan Ibadat, Paul Bukuluki, Tshering Choden, Sarah Mujabi - Transition from pilot to an operational program: insights from IMAGE
Lufuno Barro, Meghna Ranganathan - Mechanisms of an IPV-reduction intervention among young Kenyan women
Nicole K. Kelly, Miriam Hartmann, Kawango Agot, Alexandra Minnis, Sophie Otticha, Sarah T. Roberts
Thursday, 22 September
16:00 – 16:30
Coffee/tea break
Thursday, 22 September
16:30 – 17:30
Plenary IV: Closing
16:30- 17:30
Plenary IV: Closing
Venue: Grand Salón Del Prado
Translation available: Spanish, French, English
Chair: Alessandra Guedes, UNICEF and Elizabeth Dartnall, Sexual Violence Research Initiative
SVRI Forum 2022 Awards
Elizabeth Dartnall, Sexual Violence Research Initiative
Closing reflections
Closing artist / entertainment: Mariachi of the State of Quintana Roo
Friday, 23 September 2022
Friday, 23 September
09:00 – 18:00
Participant-driven events
Please see the SVRI Forum 2022 participant-driven events here.