Our Exhibitors
The Global Women’s Institute (GWI) at George Washington University
Website: https://globalwomensinstitute.gwu.edu
Twitter: @GWUGlobalWomen
Instagram: @globalwomensinstitute
The UKRI Violence, Abuse and Mental Health Network
Website: https://www.vamhn.co.uk/
Twitter: @VAMHN
Instagram: @ukri_vamhn
The Institute for Security Studies (ISS)
Website: https://issafrica.org
Twitter: @issafrica
Instagram: @iss_africa
Gender and Health Justice
Website: http://gcvp-network.org/
Twitter: @GCVPNetwork
Instagram: @gcvpnetwork
The International Rescue Committee
Website: https://www.rescue.org/
Twitter: @RESCUEorg
Instagram: @rescueorg
International Justice Mission Global and International Justice Mission VAWC
IJM Global website: https://www.ijm.org/
IJM VAWC Website: https://www.ijm.org/vawc
Twitter: @IJM
Instagram: @ijm
The Coalition of Feminists for Social Change (COFEM)
Website: https://cofemsocialchange.org/
Twitter: @COFEM_EVAW
UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund)
Website: https://untf.unwomen.org/en
Twitter: @UNTrustFundEVAW
Instagram: @untrustfundevaw
Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres (Inmujeres) México and Gobierno Quintana Roo
Website Inmujeres: https://www.gob.mx/inmujeres
Website Gobierno Quintana Roo: https://qroo.gob.mx
Twitter: @inmujeres @GobQuintanaRoo
Sexual Violence Research Initiative
Website: https://www.svri.org
Twitter: @TheSVRI
Instagram: @TheSVRI
Mexfam and International Planned Parenthood Foundation (IPPF)
Website Mexfam: https://mexfam.org.mx
Website IPPF: https://www.ippf.org
Twitter: @MexfamAC @ippf
Website: http://lac.unfpa.org
Twitter: @unfpa_lac
UNFPA Mexico
Website: https://mexico.unfpa.org
Twitter: @UNFPAMexico
University of Nairobi (UoN) and Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility (GBV AoR)
Website UoN: http://www.uonbi.ac.ke
Website GBV AoR: https://gbvaor.net
Twitter: @uonbi @GBVAoR1
The SVRI and World Bank Group Joint Grant Making Programme – Building evidence on VAW and VAC in Low and Middle Income Countries.
Webiste: https://svri.org/what-we-do/research-support/svri-grant
Website: https://www.worldbank.org
Twitter: @WBG_Gender @TheSVRI
Instagram: @worldbank @TheSVRI