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Workshop presentations and materials can be downloaded below. Please note that not all workshop materials are available. Reach out to us at if you would like to get in touch with workshop facilitators.

Morning workshops: 09h00 – 12h00

Workshop numberTitleFacilitators
1Laying the foundations for violence against women and girls prevention programming

This workshop is for all programmers/practitioners, donors, technical assistance providers and researchers who are designing, implementing and evaluating or planning transformative and evidence based VAWG prevention programming. Anyone interested in laying a strong foundation for transformative evidence based VAWG prevention programming is welcome to join!
Suniti Neogy, Sarah Mosley, Tina Musuya, Alice Kerr-Wilson and Natsnet Ghebrebrhan, Urvashi Gandhi – What Works 2: Impact at Scale
2LOVES: Equipping youth mentors to respond to disclosures of violence with first-line support

This workshop is intended for anyone interested in exploring an adapted first-line support approach to better equip individuals who serve as mentors, peers, or near-peers to appropriately respond to disclosure of violence from youth. Through sharing of lessons learned and interactive activities from capacity-building initiatives, this session takes a strengths-based approach to the unique role of mentors to respond to violence disclosures that may occur within youth programming.

Presentation: LOVES: Equipping youth mentors to respond to disclosures of violence with first-line support

Meagan Cain, Jennifer Hegle and Caroline Kambona; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US and Kenya)
3Measurement of violence against women and girls: key guidance, advances and challenges

This workshop is intended for early career researchers and practitioners who plan on conducting a survey on violence against women.

Presentation: Measurement of violenceagainst women and girls: keyguidance, advances andchallenges

Heidi Stöckl and Sarah Meyer, Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich; Abigail Hatcher, Gillings School of Public Health, University of North Carolina, and Lynnmarie Sardinha, World Health Organization
4Dignity and autonomy on self-care

This workshop will show why it can be complex to integrate self-care practices, when understanding the relationship one has with stress and survival mechanisms. Through practices that restore the nervous system and which make the social interaction system work, GBV service providers will have an experiential perspective of self-care not as a luxury but as an ethical imperative, key for doing their work.
Paula Ramírez and Jennifer Chase, GBV AoR
5Fostering behaviour change to prevent violence against women and girls

This workshop is intended for practitioners who are interested in applying behaviour change approaches to develop effective programmes to prevent and reduce violence against women and girls (VAWG). It will also appeal to researchers who are interested in monitoring and evaluating how and whether violence prevention programmes influence target behaviours.
Erin Stern, Binita Shrestha and Dominique Maidment, Prevention Collaborative
6Good practices for the adaptation of IPV prevention programs: Applying the IPV-ADAPT+ Framework

The target audience for this workshop includes those involved in the development/adaptation, implementation and evaluation of IPV prevention interventions, including IPV program staff, researchers, and policy makers, as well as donors.

Presentation: The IPV-ADAPT+ Framework: Good Practices for the Adaptation of IPV Prevention Programs

Guidance note: The IPV- ADAPT+ Framework: How to Adapt Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Programs

Vandana Sharma, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; Jennifer Scott, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center at Harvard Medical School
7Preventing violence against children in and through schools: A unique opportunity for early and long-term gains (hosted by the Coalition for Good Schools)

This workshop is intended for practitioners, researchers, donors and international influencers and activists working to prevent violence against children in the Global South. Anyone who sees the opportunity we see to make the greatest impact to address VAC in and through schools is welcome!

Presentation: Preventing Violence against Children in and through Schools: A Unique Opportunity for Early and Long-term Gains

Presentation: School violence: Global Magnitude

Lina Maria Saldarriaga, Aulas en Paz; Sohini Bhattacharya, Breakthrough; John Kalage, HakiElimu; Karen Devries, LSHTM
8Statistics 101 for VAWG practitioners and qualitative researchers: Understanding and interpreting the numbers (aka “What does all this stats stuff mean & why should I care?”)

This workshop is intended for anyone who goes to the science talks at SVRI or picks up reports/articles on quantatiative research and finds themselves wondering “What on earth do all those numbers mean?” “Why should I care?” or “What does this all mean for me?” We offer a fun, gentle, and friendly space for folks whose expertise lies in other areas and for anyone who believes or has been told that they are bad at maths. Join us and make friends with numbers!

Presentation: Statistics 101 on GBV for practitioners: Understanding & Interpreting the Numbers. Making friends with quantitative findings

Exercises: Stats Exercises; Exercise Solutions

Participant Handout

Stats Glossary

Kristin Dunkle, Esnat Chirwa and Shibe Mhlongo, South African Medical Research Council
9Ethics and virtual methods / approaches for measuring GBV

This workshop is intended for people interested in understanding and/or using remote survey methods to ask questions about gender-based violence.

Presentation: Ethics and Virtual Methods for Research on Violence against Women

Ellen Bates-Jefferys, Innovations for Poverty Action; Elizabeth Dartnall, SVRI

Afternoon workshops: 14h00 – 17h00

Workshop numberTitleFacilitators
10Feminist scale: An invitation to rethink ‘scaling up’ from a feminist perspective

This workshop is for all activists, programmers, donors and researchers who are thinking about scale. If you're interested in exploring what a feminist approach to scaling gendered social norm change programming might look like, please join!
Tvisha Nevatia, Community for Understanding Scale Up (CUSP)/Raising Voices; Rebecka Lundgren, Community for Understanding Scale Up (CUSP)/Center on Gender Equity and Health
11Measuring violence against women: challenges, tools and methods

This workshop is intended to support VAW researchers and GBV practitioners with best practice guidelines for safe and ethical research practices. It will be beneficial both for researchers and those who will be funding, monitoring or managing VAW research. The workshop will provide practical guidelines for less experienced researchers; researchers who would like a refresher on best practices; and experienced researchers who are new to the field of measuring VAW.

Presentation: Part 1 - Measuring Violence against Women: Challenges, Tools and Methods

Presentation: Part 2- Measuring Violence against Women: Challenges, Tools and Methods

Alexandra Robinson, Henriette Jansen, Sujata Tuladhar, UNFPA; Kristin Diemer and Cathy Vaughan, University of Melbourne
12Young people & participatory methods

This workshop is intended for researchers and practitioners in the Global South/LMICs working with people who want to do research with children and young people to prevent and respond to sexual (as well as related forms of) violence but have either experienced challenges or do not know where to start.
Carolina Coll, International Center for Equity in Health and Human Development and Violence Research Centre; Carolina Bermudez Currea, Community Works; Lucy Jamieson, Children’s Institute, University of Cape Town; Bernadette Madrid, Philippine General Hospital and University of the Philippines Manila College of Medicine; Catherine Maternowska, End Violence Lab and University of Edinburgh; Silvie Bovarnick and Claire Cody, University of Bedfordshire; Amanda Third, Western Sydney University
13How to cultivate a realist perspective and do a Realist Review: learning to understand what works for who, why, and in what circumstances for violence interventions

This workshop is intended for academics, researchers, service providers, and anyone wanting to learn about realist perspectives, realist thinking, and realist reviews.
Abigail Bentley, University of Valencia; Sharli Paphitis, King’s College London
14How to embed equity in your data work

This workshop is intended for anyone who collects data, make decisions based on data, or does research work with data. Our workshop focuses primarily on quantitative data rather than qualitative data but can be useful to both.
Heather Krause, We All Count
15Navigating mandatory reporting laws in violence research

This workshop is intended for those working in research or program in countries with mandatory reporting laws that complicate the ethics and safety of their work.

Presentation: Navigating mandatory reporting laws in violence research

Resources and Readings:

Mathews, B., MacMillan, H. L., Meinck, F., Finkelhor, D., Haslam, D., Tonmyr, L., Gonzalez, A., Afifi, T. O., Scott, J. G., Pacella, R. E., Higgins, D. J., Thomas, H., Collin-Vézina, D., & Walsh, K. (2022). The ethics of child maltreatment surveys in relation to participant distress: Implications of social science evidence, ethical guidelines, and law. Child abuse & neglect, 123, 105424.

Mathews, B. (2022). Legal Duties of Researchers to Protect Participants in Child Maltreatment Surveys: Advancing Legal Epidemiology. 45(2) UNSWLJ 722.

Liu, B., & Vaughn, M. S. (2019). Legal and policy issues from the United States and internationally about mandatory reporting of child abuse. International journal of law and psychiatry, 64, 219–229.

MacCormick N. A. (2018). To Mandate or Not to Mandate: A Review of Mandatory Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect. Journal of law and medicine, 26(2), 334–340.

Berman, G., Hart, J., O’Mathúna, D., Mattellone, E., Potts, A., O’Kane, C., Shusterman, J., and Tanner,T. (2016). What We Know about Ethical Research Involving Children in Humanitarian Settings: An overview of principles, the literature and case studies. Innocenti Working Paper No. 2016-18, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence.

Laura Chiang and Greta Massetti, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Elizabeth J. Letourneau, Johns Hopkins University, Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse
16Confronting uncomfortable truths: Unlearning colonial research methods

This workshop is open to all Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) / Gender-based Violence (GBV) researchers. Designed to challenge the pervasive and entrenched inequalities in VAWG research practice, this workshop will focus on principles and practices primarily for High-Income Country (HIC) researchers who want to interrogate their own positions of power and privilege, and better understand the process of ‘decolonising’ knowledge production. While this workshop is targeted at researchers from the Global North, researchers from the Global South are more than welcome to participate and contribute their experiences and perspectives to this workshop.

Presentation: Confronting uncomfortable truths: Unlearning Colonial Research Methods for VAWG Knowledge Production and Research

Resources and further reading: Decolonising Research Practice

Sarah Homan and Loksee Leung, The Equality Institute; Ayesha Mago, SVRI
17Participatory principles for research in humanitarian settings on violence before and during a pandemic: Ethics and practice

This workshop is intended for practitioners and researchers interested in deepening and sharing participatory approaches, especially those working in humanitarian settings.

Presentation: Participatory Principles for Research in Humanitarian Settings on Violence Before and During a Pandemic: Ethics and Practice

Alina Potts, Maureen Murphy, Deviyani Dixit, and Elizabeth Hedge, The Global Women’s Institute at the George; Washington University; Loujine Fattal, Women's Rights Activist & Empowered Aid Project Consultant; Hope Harriet, Feminist & Empowered Aid Project Consultant
18From evidence to action – key concepts on the pathways of research for impact in the violence against women field

This workshop is intended for researchers, policy-makers and funders. This workshop will help you develop your knowledge and skills to make your research accessible and usable for decision-making in policy and practice. You will learn basic concepts around research for impact in the violence against women field; will hear from world experts on concrete experiences of using research for impact in low- and middle-income countries; and will learn how to develop research for impact plan.

Presentation: Pathways to Research Impact

Guide: Pathways to Research Impact

Angelica Pino, SVRI; Diana J. Arango, The World Bank Group
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