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19 September
20 September
21 September
22 September
23 September
08:00 –09:00Registration
08:00 – 17:00
RegistrationRegistration Registration
09:00 – 10:30Plenary: Opening
Venue: Grand Salón Del Prado
Translation: ES, FR, ENG
Plenary: Interventions
Venue: Grand Salón Del Prado
Translation: ES, FR ENG
Plenary: The researchers on whose shoulders we stand
Venue: Grand Salón Del Prado
Translation: ES, FR ENG
Participant-driven events (all day)
10:30 – 11:30Coffee breakCoffee breakCoffee break
11:30 – 13:00Parallel session I:Parallel session IV:Parallel session VII:
Morning workshops
(09:00 - 12:00)
1.1. COVID 19: service and community-based responses
Venue: Salón Del Prado
Translation: ES, FR ENG
4.1. GBV in humanitarian settings
Venue: Salón Del Prado
Translation: ES, FR ENG
7.1. Scale-up: parenting and schools
Venue: Salón Del Prado
Translation: ES, FR ENG
1.2. Adaptation VAW prevention programmes
Venue: Dalí-Goya
Translation: ES, ENG
4.2. Mexico: VAW prevention & response
Venue: Dalí-Goya
Translation: ES, ENG
7.2. VAW prevention
Venue: Dalí-Goya
Translation: ES, ENG
1.3. VAC
Venue: Murillo-Miró
Translation: ES, ENG
4.3. Programme evaluations
Venue: Murillo-Miró
Translation: ES, ENG
7.3. Role of women’s movements on VAW/VAC
Venue: Murillo-Miró
Translation: ES, ENG
1.4. Mental health interventions
Venue: Lanzarote 1, 2
Translation: ES, ENG
4.4. Health sector responses
Venue: Lanzarote 1, 2
Translation: ES, ENG
7.4. Cash assistance & cost of violence
Venue: Lanzarote 1, 2
Translation: ES, ENG
1.5. Femicide
Venue: Tenerife 1, 2, 3
Translation: ES, ENG
4.5. Adolescence – prevention, risk/protective factors
Venue: Tenerife 1, 2, 3
Translation: ES, ENG
7.5. COVID-19: going remote
Venue: Tenerife 1, 2, 3
Translation: ES, ENG
1.6. Disabilities
Venue: Greco
Translation: ES, ENG
4.6. Rape/partner violence – mental health impact
Venue: Greco
Translation: ES, ENG
7.6. Justice
Venue: Greco
Translation: ES, ENG
1.7. GBV in conflict
Venue: Picasso
Translation: ES, ENG
4.7. Participation - children & young people
Venue: Picasso
Translation: ES, ENG
7.7. LGBTQI+
Venue: Picasso
Translation: ES, ENG
13:00 – 14:30Lunch
Participant driven events
Participant driven events
Participant driven events
Participant driven events
14:30 – 16:00Parallel session II:Parallel session V:Parallel session VIII: Five-minute presentations:
2.1. VAC & adolescent prevention interventions
Venue: Salón Del Prado
Translation: ES, FR ENG
5.1. Humanitarian settings: GBV risks and contextual analysis
Venue: Salón Del Prado
Translation: ES, FR ENG
8.1. Understanding violence against children
Venue: Salón Del Prado
Translation: ES, FR ENG
Afternoon workshops
(14:00 - 17:00)
2.2. Parenting, IPV & VAC
Venue: Dalí-Goya
Translation: ES, ENG
5.2. Online apps: safety planning
Venue: Dalí-Goya
Translation: ES, ENG
8.2. Feminist funding, movements | Research methods
Venue: Dalí-Goya
Translation: ES, ENG
2.3. Implementation: elements & approaches
Venue: Murillo-Miró
Translation: ES, ENG
5.3. Mental health
Venue: Murillo-Miró
Translation: ES, ENG
8.3. Mental health | VAW in humanitarian settings, conflict and crises
Venue: Murillo-Miró
Translation: ES, ENG
2.4. GBV prevention in humanitarian settings
Venue: Lanzarote 1, 2
Translation: ES, ENG
5.4. VAW health sector response strengthening
Venue: Lanzarote 1, 2
Translation: ES, ENG
8.4. Understanding violence against adolescents | Tech-facilitated violence, tech-based prevention and response
Venue: Lanzarote 1, 2
Translation: ES, ENG
2.5. Role of policies
Venue: Tenerife 1,2,3
Translation: ES, ENG
5.5. Female genital mutilation
Venue: Tenerife 1,2,3
Translation: ES, ENG
8.5. Understanding violence against women – prevalence and risk
Venue: Tenerife 1, 2, 3
Translation: ES, ENG
2.6. VAW: concepts, measures and ethics
Venue: Greco
Translation: ES, ENG
5.6. COVID 19: impact on women and girls
Venue: Greco
Translation: ES, ENG
8.6. Responses (including humanitarian settings)
Venue: Greco
Translation: ES, ENG
2.7. Dialogic Panel: What is practice based knowledge
Venue: Picasso
Translation: ES, ENG
5.7. IPV measures and tools
Venue: Picasso
Translation: ES, ENG
8.7. Femicide | Violence against women prevention and costing
Venue: Picasso
Translation: ES, ENG
16:00 – 16:30Coffee breakCoffee breakCoffee break
16:30 – 18:00Parallel session III:Parallel session VIPlenary IV: Closing
3.1. Prevention & response programme evaluations
Venue: Salón Del Prado
Translation: ES, FR ENG
6.1. Policy impact
Venue: Salón Del Prado
Translation: ES, FR ENG
Closing & Prize giving (16:30 - 17:30)
Venue: Grand Salón Del Prado
Translation: ES, FR ENG
3.2. Child sexual abuse
Venue: Dalí-Goya
Translation: ES, ENG
6.2. Intervention development
Venue: Dalí-Goya
Translation: ES, ENG
3.3. Women’s economic empowerment, microfinance and CASH+
Venue: Murillo-Miró
Translation: ES, ENG
6.3. Online violence
Venue: Murillo-Miró
Translation: ES, ENG
3.4. IPV/VAC intersections and co-occurrence
Venue: Lanzarote 1,2
Translation: ES, ENG
6.4. Being trauma-informed
Venue: Lanzarote 1,2
Translation: ES, ENG
3.5. Violence in universities
Venue: Tenerife 1,2,3
Translation: ESP, ENG
6.5. Female sex workers
Venue: Tenerife 1,2,3
Translation: ES, ENG
3.6. Migration and forced displacement
Venue: Greco
Translation: ES, ENG
6.6. COVID – IPV and help seeking
Venue: Greco
Translation: ES, ENG
3.7. LGBTQI+
Venue: Picasso
Translation: ES, ENG
6.7. Dialogic Panel: Power and control in research: The HIC – LMIC divide
Venue: Picasso
Translation: ES, ENG
Welcome and Opening
19:30 - 21:30
Participant driven events
18:00 - 21:00
Conference Gala Dinner
20:00 - 23:00
Participant driven events
18:00 - 21:00
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